My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

~Day 29~

Day 29- November 29, 2014

Today, I am thankful for Quinney Oaks Plantation. It is the place where I grew up and made many many memories with my family! It's the place where I married my best friend! It's the place that my parents have turned into a very successful business that I enjoy working with very much! It's the place where I took my maternity pictures and my daughter's newborn pictures! I love so much about this house and land, but what I love most of all is all the memories that were made and are continuing to be made there! I'm so glad that Bowdre gets to spend some of her time there too! My parents have worked very hard over the years to make it beautiful, and they have done just that. I think it's breathtaking! I am certainly blessed to call this my home!

Here is the place where Warren and I said "I do," and then just a couple of years later took our first family of 3 picture!

I spent so much time in my room growing up! My parents made it look like a princesses room! I spent so much time on my couch growing up whether it was studying, talking on the phone, or just was and still is one of my favorite places!

It was so meaningful to take our family picture in the room where I spent so much time!  

I also love the living room. I grew up playing the piano, so I've always said that this was my favorite room in the house!


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