My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, March 12, 2015

~My Weightloss Journey-Results #2~

Well...I know I said I was going wait and post my results at the end of March...but I was too excited not to share.

After the first 24 day challenge, I decided to continue on the Max Phase for another 14 days, adjusting a few things and adding a couple new things.

Well yesterday ended that 14 day phase, and my total loss was another 4.8 pounds bringing my total weight loss since February 1, 2015 to exactly 17 pounds!

I am so excited, and I'm feeling better than ever! I start another 14 day max phase today, so I'll let you know at the end what the results are!

Thanks to all my friends and family for the support!

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