My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, March 5, 2015

~A Healthier Lifestyle-My Weight Loss Journey~

I thought I would utilize this blog to talk about my weight-loss journey! But before I get into what I'm doing now, let me give you a brief history.

When I was in high school, I stayed pretty fit...but I was constantly involved with cheerleading and basketball, which were both high-intensity. When I got to college, all of that changed. Throughout my 4 years, I slowly put on a lot of weight. It was mainly from eating out ALL the time, and really not working out ANY. Once I graduated and started working, I decided that I wanted to lose the weight, and I dropped it pretty quickly, but not necessarily in the best way. It wasn't a lifestyle was a quick-fix. Either way, the weight was gone. Here are a few pictures of me from about 5 years ago.

Yeah...kind of hard to believe. Over the past 5 years, I have put a lot of weight back on. Yes, I did have a baby, but a lot of the weight gain was before I got pregnant. It wasn't something that happened overnight, and I didn't binge eat, but a couple of pounds a week over time really adds up. Here are a couple of pictures of me now.

These were both taken a couple of months ago, but they really are the best ones that I can find, which sort of showcase my weight gain.

I have thought about trying to loose weight after I had Bowdre but could just never get motivated to do so. I think I didn't see what I was doing wrong. Honestly, I really don't eat all that much, so I just thought...maybe it's just my body. I would read in magazines about people's weight loss journeys, and they would talk about how they would sneak food or they would sit and eat an entire pack of potato chips in one sitting or go to McDonalds and order 2 to 3 cheeseburgers..and I kept telling myself over and over, that wasn't me, so I definitely don't have a weight problem. I was wrong.

What I didn't realize was that although I didn't eat ALOT all the time, what I ate when I did eat was terrible. I love pasta, sauces, creams, and creamy salad dressings. My husband would always say, "We both need to add more green in our diet." I was also basically hooked on diet coke/coke zero. I ate way too much salt. I ate late at night...the list could seriously go on and on. All of these things contributed to my weight gain. Up until recently, I think I've been in denial. I have a closet full of clothes that I can't fit in but that I also refuse to give away. Deep in my mind I would keep telling myself, one day you will fit back into those.


I'm not sure exactly what made me start this journey, but something did. I think it was the combination of my grandmother passing away in early January, being so out of shape when I would just walk from one end of the house to the other, and really wanting Bowdre to grow up in a healthy household and want to eat the right things. So between all of those things, I decided to get in gear and begin this process.

On February 1st, I started a program called Advocare, and I would highly recommend it to anyone. It's been great! My best friend Leigh Anne started this program in January of 2014 and within that year was 40+ pounds down and feeling fabulous.

My weight loss isn't just about loosing the pounds, it's also about feeling better and more active...having more energy...wanting to eat the right foods, etc. So a program that helped teach these things was certainly the right one more me. I want to lose it slow and steady, so that I ultimately reach my goal weight, but that I also have a lifestyle change and live this way from here on out. It really is a journey. 

Advocare begins with a 24 day challenge...a 10 day cleanse phase and a 14 day max/weight loss phase. You take herbal supplements as well as teach yourself to eat the right things and drink PLENTY of water. I knew when I first started the program that drinking the water was going to be the hardest part for me...I needed to drink at least 15 cups (8oz each) of water each day. I didn't think I could ever do that. It also teaches to eat fruits and vegetables, which are 2 of my not-so-favorite things. I was doomed from the start...

I am happy to say that Day 1-I followed the program to a tee and drank not 15 but 16 cups of water, and have kept that up every day since. Most of the time I average between 15-18 cups of water a day. I don't drink any carbonated drinks anymore, I limit my diary, and I watch for portion size and for unhealthy foods. I try to watch the pasta, the creams, and the heavy saturated fatty foods.

On top of all of that, I feel great! I have more energy than I ever have. I feel rejuvenated each morning when I wake up and sleep better than ever. Warren and I have been going to bed at 9 each night.

Now for the 1st 24 day results.........

I lost a total of 12.2 pounds in my first 24 days!!!!!!!!!!

Not only do I feel better, but the weight is steadily coming off too! I decided to continue on the program for another 28 days (it's just the weight loss phase though, you are only suppose to do a cleanse every 3 months), so I'll do another post in another month (the end of March).

I really appreciate all of the support of my family and friends and mostly my husband. He has really been understanding and has supported all of my weight loss running shoes, different things, and I usually flake out, but I definitely have stuck with this one, and I'm so glad I did!

The best thing is that I'm proud of myself. I plan to start running again and look forward to more weight coming off and feeling even better!

"Slow and steady wins the race"

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