My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

~Our Family's Journey~

2015 has had an interesting start. There are quite a few new and exciting changes taking place right now!

Back a few months ago, Warren had the opportunity to go help start a new engineering firm in Sylvania, GA. Yes, you heard right, Sylvania, GA. Bill Arthur, the company's founder, decided it would be a great central location to all of the cities that they hoped to do business. He started his firm back late last year, and Warren went with him. This is such a great opportunity for Warren as well as our family...definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity, so we jumped on it! The decision wasn't easy though, as we knew we would have to re-locate. This was hard because we love Wilmington Island, our house, our neighborhood, and our neighbors. But, we just couldn't pass this up. I also knew that I would be closer to my parents and to my hometown, and with the loss of my Nana recently, closer to home is exactly where I wanted to be.

We ultimately decided, after much thought and prayer, that moving was the right path for us. I started looking for jobs, and got the job of Academic Advising Specialist at East Georgia State College, Statesboro! I was so excited!

We are living with my parents in Millen during the week, and then going home to the island on the weekends. This really works great because my mom keeps Bowdre full time! This is just temporary until we sell our house and can find a new house in Statesboro.

Please pray for us as we start this new journey! New jobs, a new home, and much much more!

Exciting things are happening, so I can't wait to see what the rest of 2015 has in store for us!

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