My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

~Our Special Christmas Tree~

The weekend after Thanksgiving is a very important one in our family...we always head to Truitt Christmas Tree Farms in Effingham to pick out our family's Christmas tree. I grew up with many artificial trees (I love them by the way), but when Warren and I first started dating, he talked me into getting a live tree, since I didn't have an artificial one for my condo. The rest is history, we have been buying live trees ever since, and I absolutely love it. It's so much fun to load up and head to the farm and roam around to find the most perfect tree (I always choose ones that are too big), but we get it anyway! We have such a good time picking it out and then bringing it home and figuring out the best way to get it into the house. Here are a couple of pictures from previous years...

2010...our first Christmas together and with our dog Elle'!

Last year's Christmas...little did we know that we were pregnant at the time with our little blessing!


And finally this year's pictures from our hunt for the perfect Christmas tree. It was so much fun taking Bowdre to pick out the tree, even if she didn't understand what was going on! It was definitely another memory made. Warren and I love decorating the tree and looking back through all of the special ornaments that we have collected and gotten for each other! It's a fun time! I think Elle' enjoys it most of all!

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