My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, March 6, 2015

~Obedient Risk-Takers~

My devotional this morning was focused on how we as Christians should be obedient risk-takers. It talks about how Noah had to have been a risk-taker as he was building this huge Ark in the middle of the desert, but God did promise Noah rain.

The devotional said, "If God is asking you to take a risk--there will be feelings of uncertainity, doubt and fear. But don't let circumstances distract you from God's promise. If He has told you to take a risk, He will fulfill His word. The rain WILL come. And when it does, the risk He's told you to take, that Ark He's told you to build will be necessary."

This really spoke to me this morning, especially considering our life the past couple of months. Late last year the offer for Warren to leave his job to go help start a new engineering firm came into our grasp. We knew if we decided to take this offer, it meant leaving a place that we love and a life that we have built for the past two years. We would have to sell our house...I would have to change jobs... we would probably have to live with my parents so that the commute wouldn't be so bad...there were many things that would have to change and take us out of our comfortable and happy day-to-day life. We prayed about this decision and after much discussion and prayer, we decided to go for it. We took the risk.

God has been true to His word. The rain is starting to come.

Warren and the engineering firm are busier than ever!
I got a new job that I really love!
I'm going to be able to finish my 2 French classes this summer!
Our daughter is adjusting well to living in 2 places!
My parents have been so wonderful and giving and are taking such good care of us!

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!

There is still doubt and uncertainty that is ever present. Every weekend when we go home, Warren and I say...I wish we didn't have to leave...I wish we didn't have to sell our house and we could make the commute work. We need to stop saying those things, because God has bigger and better plans for us. Even when our small commute during the week gets frustrating, and we want a normal life during the week-nights, and we wish for a more consistent schedule, and we pray for our house to sell, and we get angry because we can't find a house in Statesboro we seem to like...I have to remember, God has sent us rain already and will continue to do so.

"In the six hundredth year of Noah's life...all the sources of the watery depths burst open...and the rain fell on the Earth." -Genesis 7:11

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