My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

~Your Carriage Awaits~

Like I said in my Christmas post, Warren got me a hour-long private carriage ride/tour in Savannah. We decided to go ahead and take the carriage ride the Saturday night after Christmas so we could still see some Christmas lights! It was a chilly night, but we were able to bundle up and enjoy the crisp night air and gorgeous scenery!

We had a great time! What a great gift! Here are some photos that were taken during the tour! Savannah is such a pretty city!

Thank you to my sweet hubby for suprising me with this! It was an amazing night and be a tourist in your own city! Thank you for also being the looks like we don't have any pictures of you! We had our hands full :) Bowdre had so much fun too! She didn't cry once!


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