My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

~Thanksgiving 2014~

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It gives us a chance to get together with family and celebrate and be thankful for all the things that God has blessed us with, and we do just that...along with stuffing ourselves with too much turkey and dressing. This year, we got another very special gift to be thankful for...our beautiful and healthy baby girl! Celebrating with her this year is something that I've always dreamed of...a little turkey of my very own!

Isn't she the cutest little turkey you have ever seen?? We think so! We woke up early that morning and headed to Millen to celebrate with my family! Like always my parents and Nana had prepared a feast with turkey, dressing, and all the fixings to go with it.

After eating way to much, we just settled in for a little family time and of!! 

And of course, we had to get some pictures in her turkey dress!

We had a great Thanksgiving! We hope you and your family did as well! Thanksgiving kicks off the Christmas season, so remember the reason for this season! I'm thankful with my relationship with God most of all! Happy Thanksgiving from the Clements!

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