My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, March 20, 2015

~Bowdre has 2 Teeth~

So because I'm a first-time mom, and sometimes quite clueless, I thought Bowdre had gotten her first tooth when she was around 2 months old. Warren kept telling me that it wasn't a tooth, but I would not listen. Well...apparently I have NO idea what I'm talking about. I'm not quite sure what I felt in her mouth a while ago, but it was definitely NOT a tooth.


As of Monday, March 16th, we have 2 bottom teeth! I wish I could have a picture of them, but when you try to get a good look, she just sticks her tongue in the way...but I'll keep trying.

She is so cute because you can tell she keeps feeling her 2 teeth, probably unsure exactly what's going on in there.

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