My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, March 9, 2015

~Spring Forward~

Well, all last week at work, I heard people saying to remember to change your clock. Do you think I remembered to do that? Definitely not.

So picture it...Sunday morning. I hear Bowdre moving around on the monitor, I slowly roll over to look at the clock and I see 7:40am! YES!!! Bowdre slept past 6:30. I go to Bowdre's room, and we do our morning ritual. Say good morning...change diaper...give lots of hugs...go to the den and play for a bit...and when she's ready have a bottle of milk. Warren rolls in and we all sit on the couch and play, talk, watch tv...our usual Sunday morning ritual. Ahhh...such bliss!! After while, I ask Warren to check the TV for the time...9:35?????????? WHAT???? How is that possible? In my mind I am seriously contemplating did 2 hours go by so quickly...we haven't even done that much. Warren then chimes in...THE TIME CHANGED!!! Of course it did! Just our luck! Well long story short...our church starts at 10:15am, and if you have ever been in our house where all 3 of us have to get ready, you know that there is NO WAY that we were going to make it to church in 45 mins...definitely not. Mommy/Daddy fail.

Good news is that we had already made lunch plans to see McKall! She is the college student who kept Bowdre a few days a week when I went back to work. Back in January, she had to return to school at Liberty University in Virginia. So you can imagine that she doesn't get home to often, with the 7 hour car ride and wintery weather! We were so excited to see her and her mom, Rachael! We love this family so much and really think of McKall as part of our family! I know Bowdre misses seeing her as much as we do! But we did get to see her for lunch Sunday, and Bowdre was really happy to see her!
We went to Jalapenos for lunch...all of our favorite! After a brief meltdown and a daddy/daughter trip to the car to go for a walk and change a diaper, Bowdre was really excited to take it all in too! We had a great time, and look forward to see McKall again soon! We miss you!

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