My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

~Bowdre Meets Santa...And Mrs. Claus Too~

This past Saturday (Dec. 13), we decided to take Bowdre to see Santa. I was a little worried about her being around so many people, so we decided to go see the Santa that comes to Bass Pro Shop in the Savannah Mall. We knew we would probably have to wait in line, but WOW, you actually had to get a ticket in advance...Who Knew?!? Mommy Fail, big time! They said that they were all out of tickets for that day, and that you would have to come early on another day to get a time slot for that day. For example, you could come at lunch and get a ticket for a 6:00 pm slot. Since I work across the street, I told them that was what I would do. They announced this to many people who were trying to get information. I was so devastated that we would have to come back, because it's such a busy time for us AND getting a 4 1/2 month old ready to come see Santa is no easy task. As we were walking away, one of the guys who was working at Santa's Shop came up to us with one more 5:00 pm ticket! YES!!!!!!!! We were in! I'm am so grateful for him! Bowdre was a little confused by Santa, I think. She definitely didn't cry, but she didn't smile either! Hey, at least she didn't pull his long white beard!


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