My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

~Dear Bowdre-6 Months Old~

Dear Bowdre,

Wow...I can't believe that you were half a year old on January 23rd. Where has all the time gone? You are the sweetest cutest baby ever and are such a busy-body! Curiosity is your HAVE to know what is going on with everyone everywhere at ALL times. It's quite funny to watch! You love playing in your toys, especially the one where you can walk around, being held, eating, sitting up, and blowing bubbles. You babble all day long! At 6 months old, you are 20 pounds, 14 ounces, and 27 inches long! WOW!! You have grown so much. I love looking back at the pictures and seeing all the many many changes! You are healthy and happy, thank the good Lord! I can tell you are going to be super smart too! You can copy things that we do and definitely look when someone says your name! Way to go girl!!  You sleep like a pro at night, 11 hours most nights, but you rarely nap longer than 10 minutes during the day, so the days are quite busy, since you like to be entertained all day long! (Gammy really appreciates that!!) You love to eat, and right now your menu includes carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes...I believe the potatoes are your favorites! I know you are going to be talking, crawling, and walking soon, but please still want all the cuddles and makes Mommy and Daddy really really happy!

We have hit some major milestones this month and celebrated some special events too!

Christmas Eve...  
Received your first visit from Santa Claus...(you must have been a good girl) and celebrated your first Christmas Day with family!

You took your first carriage ride in downtown was mine too!

Went on your first official vacation to Hilton Head...

And celebrated your first New Year's Eve!

Wow...what a busy month! You have also reached some major milestones this month too! You ate "real food" for the first time (carrots were on the menu that night)...

and you started sitting up by yourself!

You also got to meet Natalie and Olivia when they dropped by for a little while! 

As you can tell, things haven't slowed down one bit! It's been the best to celebrate all of these holidays with you and watch you achieve new growth milestones! We are enjoying every single minute!

Unfortunately, this month, on January 15th, Nana went onto Heaven. I hope you always know how much she loved you! The day before she died, she had one request, and it was to see you. We brought you to her hospital window, and it more than brightened your day. You bring so much joy to all of our lives, and you certainly did hers. I know that she is watching over you and will always be your guardian angel! During her funeral, I was a little skeptical about bringing you in, not knowing how you would act from minute to minute (I love you, but you are unpredictable sometimes)...but I really wanted you to be there. You listened to the singing and then feel asleep, and slept the entire service! You were so sweet, and I know Nana would have wanted you to be there too! Always remember how much she loved you! 

It's been the best 6 months! We thank God each and every day for giving us you! Here are a few more of my favorite pictures throughout the past month! We love you!

Mommy and Daddy 


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