My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

~Am I Really 28??~

I was really excited to turn 28 this year! Instead of thinking about being a year older, I am just so thankful that God gave me another year on this Earth, and it has been one of the best years of my life! I have wonderful friends who I enjoy spending time with and who are always there for me. I have an amazing family who I love being around and are a great support system! I have a loving husband who I fall more in love with everyday! I have a beautiful, healthy, energetic baby girl! I am blessed. What more can I ask for?

So to tell you a little bit about my weekend (my birthday was on Saturday 12/13/ neat? but I tend to celebrate for a couple of days). On Friday, both Warren and I had the day off from work, so I had a little special mommy/daughter time that morning cuddling and reading! Oh and did I mention, Bowdre rolled over?!?!?! Video to come later! What a great birthday present! 
We also decided to go get most of our Christmas shopping done! It was great! Most people were at work, so we didn't have to deal with much traffic, and we are about 90% done with our shopping! Whoo hoo! What a feat! That night, we went over to the Fresh Market and walked around, and decided to get dinner from there. Warren cooked us a great meal of parmesan incrusted tilipia, roasted aspargus, and rice pilaf, and an individal piece of cheesecake for me! Yumm!
We also had a big fire and watched a movie after Bowdre went to bed! It was a great night! Saturday morning (my actual birthday), Warren got up with Bowdre and we decided to go get breakfast at the Breakfast Club on Tybee. I've always wanted to go there, but the line is always out the door and a 2 hour wait. Well, being the off season it was the perfect time to go, and it was so worth it! It was delicious. Warren got a pecan waffle and some grits. I had chicken fried chicken, which was a chicken breast with the most delicious peppercorn gravy. And who wouldn't enjoy breakfast with this little cutie staring at you?  

After breakfast, we went home to veg on the couch for a bit! It was great! Warren also helped me make my homemade hairbow holder for Bowdre's room! I love it!
After all the resting and crafting, we went to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop! Bowdre did great!

After meeting Santa, we met Leigh Anne and Robby for my birthday dinner at Myabi's! It was so much fun, and Bowdre had a great time watching the cook make noise and fires! As you can see, she didn't last long! She passed out during the cooking of the rice!

LA and Robby came over to our house afterwards and we enjoyed time together in front of the fire! I sure love my friends! On Sunday, we have our annual Christmas family reunion at my parent's house, so we suited up and headed to Millen bright and early. It's always great to see family and spend the day together eating, laughing, and just enjoying the quality time!

Bowdre was all decked out in her candy cane dress...and passed out soon after...too much excitement for her!

After everyone had gone for the day, my immediate family celebrated my birthday! My Uncle Burt brought some shrimp and grits and we made oyster stew! Two of my favorite things! And of course, my parents made me a homemade red velvet cake!  

I really did have the best weekend ever! I am certainly blessed to have so many people in my life that care about me! I am also very blessed to be one year older! I know I am going to enjoy this next year with my friends and family!


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