My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, March 5, 2015

~Dear Bowdre-7 Months Old~

Dear Bowdre,

You have grown so much the past month and have become quite independent. I do appreciate that you want me most all the time. (Your daddy does get his feelings hurt sometimes though)...but you still love taking naps with him. Your food menu has expanded quite a bit...we have tried sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, peas, pears, peaches, apples, and bananas. Your absolute favorite is sweet potatoes and pears, and you HATE peas! I keep trying, but you keep hating them. I can't decide what we will try next...probably avocados!

You are sitting up completely by yourself with no help and are getting quite good at it. Your hands are starting to come forward and you are leaning on them, so I know you are going to start crawling very soon. You still don't have any teeth that have cut yet, but you are definitely teething like crazy. I sure wish I could make it better. It amazes us how smart you are and how you catch onto things. We can show you something once or twice, and you will start doing it too!

Napping isn't your favorite thing, and you get quite fussy sometimes when you need one, but you fight sleep like I have never seen. I think you get that from me, because Gammie told me that I used to be the same way! Speaking of Gammie, you love spending time with Gammie and Pop at Quinney Oaks. We have been making quite a few transitions lately, and it hasn't fazed you once that we are living in two home during the weekend and with Gammie and Pop during the week. You are adjusting so well, which is such a relief!

You love playing with your toys, being held, and eating. Those are your favorite things right now, and like I said earlier, napping is your least favorite. Thankfully, you are still sleeping through the night, about 9-10 solid thank you!!

Being outside is really what you enjoy and watching Elle' chase squirrels. The weather has been pretty cold lately, so we haven't been able to enjoy being outside, but spring and summer are coming!

Bath time is also a favorite part of your you certainly enjoy splashing around and getting everything around you soaking wet...including Mommy, but I don't mind. I'm glad you love the water, and I hope it continues. 

You are so full of energy, happiness, and love, and we hope you stay that way always! 7 months have certainly flown by! You are so loved by everyone, especially us!

We love you baby girl!

Mommy and Daddy

PS. Here are some of our favorite pictures during your 7 month!

Your first lunch at Rhinehart's

You slept on your tummy!!

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