My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

~My Weighloss Journey-Results #3~

Being that I just finished up another 14 day challenge, and it's the last day of March, I thought I would update you to my weight loss numbers.

This past 14 day challenge was a bit tough. It seemed that although I was following the program just as I should, I was really just maintaining and had hit my first weight loss plateau, which my coaches said would happen. So I told myself that instead of getting upset that more weight wasn't coming off, my goal was just to maintain what I had already worked so hard to get off. The past 14 day challenge I had lost a total of 4.8 pounds, which brought my total weight loss to 17 pounds.

At the end of this 14 day challenge which ended on Saturday morning, I had managed to maintain and lose 1 more pound, bringing my total weight loss to 18 pounds. Although it wasn't as much as I had hoped for, at least it was something, and I learned the importance of maintenance.

I restocked my products and started another 14 day challenge yesterday (March 30th), so since it's the last day of the month, I thought I would fill you in. Since yesterday morning, I lost another 1.6 pounds, bringing my TOTAL weight loss since February 1st to 19.6 pounds, and I'm only on Day 2 of my 14 day challenge!

I am so excited!

Another couple of exciting things that have happened in the past 14 days:
-I've been able to wear my engagement ring for a while, but I haven't been able to get my wedding band on since I took it off LAST MARCH (I was pregnant then, and didn't want anyone to have to cut it off of my finger, since I was swelling something serious)! So finally a year later, I'm wearing my wedding band once again...and I didn't have to get it re-sized!!
-Today, I am wearing a shirt that I wore to one of mine and Warren's wedding showers 3 years ago!

 I'm 2 months into my weight loss journey, and I feel so great! The hard work and change of lifestyle is definitely paying off!

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