My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

~Our Special Gift From God~

So, surprise we are expecting!! If you've been reading my posts up until now, then you already know this, but I wanted to take some time to blog about this experience. I found out I was pregnant on Tuesday, December 10, 2013. I remember that day very clearly. I hadn't really had any symptoms that I was aware of at that point. I was making the long drive to work at Southern from Wilmington Island that Tuesday morning and I thought to myself about being a couple of days late. Well...I'm never late. I got to work, and that was all I could think about. I just kept telling way...I'm just being paranoid. I had suffered a horrendous miscarriage with 3 surgeries back in May of that year, and honestly didn't think I would get pregnant so soon after...nor were we really ready either. I was so traumatized from those 3 surgeries that I wasn't sure I even wanted children, especially not that soon after. But the only plan is God's plan. After a couple of hours of nervous anxiety, I decided to just go to CVS, buy a test, and take it. Done deal. Honestly, part of me was sure it was going to be negative and the other part of me was sure it was going to be positive. I took the test in the Communication Arts Building at Georgia Southern. Those were the longest 2-3 minutes of my life. It was POSITIVE! I can't even begin to describe my reaction....but I believe initially it was panic and shock. (I'm 34 weeks pregnant now and I think I'm still in shock).

Even though I was a little overwhelmed and a little upset, I knew it was God's plan...our little unplanned miracle! I wanted to tell Warren in a special way and not just panic and say OMG I'M PREGNANT! So, that day, I decided to write Warren a poem, put it in a picture frame, and give it to him that night to open. Here is a really bad picture of the frame and below is what it says...

Merry Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The past four years together have brought a lot of cheer!
Elle', marriage, a boat, and our new home!
Where oh where has all the time gone?
Through all the good and bad times, our love has been strong!
That's how I know we will be married so long!
I hope you have enjoyed all the times that we've had!
All of the memories made and those to come make me really glad!
We must have been good throughout the year past!
This year brings a special gift that is sure to last!
The best present yet is on its way and will arrive next year!
Dad is the new name that you now and forever will hold near and dear!
Congratulations Daddy! 

I really put a lot of thought into this poem. I was really excited about giving it to him, but it was really hard to wait all day until he got home. I texted him and asked him when he was coming home, and he said in about an hour (it was probably about 6:00pm at this point)...I COULDN'T WAIT A MINUTE LONGER. So I asked him if he could leave now...that I needed him to come home and that it was super important. Well, of course he did. When he walked in the door, I asked him to sit down, and I think he immediately knew. I gave him the gift, he opened it, and we both were completely excited, shocked, and overwhelmed. However, we felt extremely blessed! It is a day that I'm sure the both of us will never forget! We decided to go to dinner that night to celebrate! We went downtown to River House on River Street! It was a great dinner! In the picture you can tell that we are still in a bit of shock...

We went out a couple of nights later when a bit of the shock had worn off...

That's better! Anyway, we scheduled our doctor's appointment, which was a really overwhelming experience. I had just been through this just 6 months before where we went to doctor's appointments after doctor's appointments and nothing ever happened, so I was really scared, nervous, anxious and had a million thoughts running through my head. Warren was really great in helping me be calm and understand that if it was meant to be it will be! Sure enough...
Our first ultrasound!
It was meant to be! The doctor confirmed that I was indeed pregnant, that everything looked great, and our sweet baby was due on August 17, 2014! We were ecstatic! Although Warren and I didn't have the initial reaction that most people do, we are extremely happy about the new addition to our family and know how completely blessed we are! 

Thank you Lord for this blessing and for choosing us to be parents! We are forever grateful!

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart..." -Jeremiah 1:5

"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him." -Psalm 127:3

 "Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother's womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things." -Ecclesiastes 11:5

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