My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, February 26, 2015

~Dear Bowdre-4 Months Old~

Dear Bowdre,

Where to begin! Some major changes have happened since I wrote a month ago! At 4 months, there are few words to describe your personality. You are such a good and sweet baby! Saying you are full of energy doesn't quite do it justice! You are always smiling or making some sort of silly facial expression...we love it!! Bath time is your favorite time of day I think--you love water and you love kicking the water all over the place! You have control of your head now and can almost sit up by yourself. You can grab onto anything, especially my hair...and it hurts! Your feet amaze you now that you have found them! You definitely have a mind of your own and are quite independent, but you still love to be held and snuggled with! Eating is one of your favorite things to do! We haven't started you on "real" food yet, but it's coming just have patience a little longer! Curious barely even describes you. Everyone has to carry you facing out because you HAVE to know and see everything that is going on. We can see the wonder and amazement in your eyes when you look at things.

You experienced your first Halloween, and I have to say you were the cutest flapper I have ever seen!!

We had a great time celebrating with you this past month between Halloween and carving pumpkins and trips to church!   

We also had your baby dedication at the church this past weekend! It was a truly emotional experience, and we hope that you will always put your relationship with God first, go to church, fellowship with others who follow Him, read in the Bible, and spend time in prayer and talking with God. These things are so important sweet baby, and as your parents, we hope that you will always remember this. It was a beautiful service, followed by a great celebration with family and friends! It was a day we will always remember! By the way, you were totally and utterly adorable! 

You have changed so much this past month and have made so many developmental strides! We love watching you and the things you do each and every day! You amaze us sweet girl, and we love you to the moon and back! 

Mommy and Daddy 

PS. Here are some of my favorite moments and pictures during the past month  

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