My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, February 26, 2015

~Atlanta Weekend Trip~

For our first weekend trip away from Bowdre, we went to Atlanta to see my dear friends and to go to the Ga Tech vs. Miami game! We left Bowdre with my parents on Friday and headed up to Atlanta! On Friday night, we met Olivia and her new boyfriend Evan and Liz and Dan at Ippilotos for dinner...and yes, that is some GOOD Italian food. It is always so fun catching up with everyone. Even though we only see each other a few times a year, I absolutely love that we just pick up where we left off! These friendships mean the world to me! Talk is already underway for a trip to Italy in a few years! So fun!! Anyway, Saturday morning, Warren and I made our way downtown to park, have lunch, and tailgate before the 7pm game! We had lunch at Taco Mac, headed to the book store, and tailgated all afternoon! It was a lot of fun, and Warren and I got to spend some good quality time together! Much needed!!

When it was game time, we headed to the stadium. I have to say being in the Tech stadium at night with the enormous Atlanta buildings in the background is such an amazing sight. It was such a fun game. The weather was great, and to make things better...TECH WON!! Whoo hoo!
We do enjoy going to the games, and we can't wait to take Bowdre next year! We got back to Olivia's place really late, but woke up to an amazing breakfast! After saying goodbyes, we headed to see one more special person to us before the long trip home!  
Miss June Massey!  Isn't she adorable! She is 6 months now and has grown so much since we saw her last. It was a great way to end the trip! I have to say though, I was ready to get home to hold my own sweet baby! I missed her so much! We had so much fun in Atlanta and can't wait until the next trip!  

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