My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

~Dear Bowdre-2 Months Old~

Dear Bowdre,

At 2 months old, your personality is definitely starting to show. You still mainly eat, sleep and poop, but you can tell that your eyes are starting to really focus on things, and you have staring contests with things all over the house, especially the fan. You are growing really fast, and I think you are going to be tall. You are so beautiful with your dark hair and blue eyes. You stick your tongue out all the time. I think you are still uncertain about it. You love to eat, and at this point you really don't like pappies. But that's okay with me!

You are certainly loved very much sweet girl! Here are a few of my favorite pictures during your second month! 

Mommy and Daddy

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