My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, February 26, 2015

~Baby Samantha~

My dear friend and co-worker Jamie and her husband Brent welcomed sweet baby Samantha into the world Friday, October 17th! Baby Sam was 4 weeks early but was as healthy and as pretty as can be. What's so ironic is that the day before I had Bowdre (she was 3 1/2 weeks early), Jamie, Kaitlyn (another dear friend and co-worker) had eaten at El Potro (our favorite lunch spot) for lunch! The day that Jamie had Samantha, we had eaten at El Potro for lunch...I'm seeing a trend here! Anyway, Kaitlyn and I decided to go visit Jamie and Miss Samantha during lunch yesterday! It was such a treat, and Samantha is such a doll! We had a great time! Here are a couple of pics! I can't wait for Bowdre to meet her new friend Samantha!

Here is a flashback to a few weeks ago when Jamie and Kaitlyn came to visit Bowdre and I over lunch. My how time flies by!

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