My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

~Merry Merry Christmas 2013~

This Christmas season was a really special one. Right before Christmas, we found out we were expecting our first baby! I can't think of a better present...and it was our first Christmas in our house! It really was a joyful season! We have so many blessings to be thankful for, and we thank God every day for them! We started out the Christmas season as we usually do...our annual trip to Truitt Farms to pick out our Christmas tree. It is always so fun!
Our Christmas Tree 2013

The next exciting thing is to come home and decorate it! We collect ornaments, so it's really fun every year to unwrap the ornament boxes and reminisce about past years, trips, and Christmases.

And of course it was fun to decorate our new house!

Christmas morning is always fun too! Warren and I got up really early to open gifts before we headed out to see family! Santa left lots of gifts this year...we must have been good.  

I know Elle' was super excited about her gifts. We don't let Elle' come into the house...but we HAD to make an exception on Christmas morning so she could open her gifts too! She certainly has been a wonderful dog this year...and every year for that matter!  

Warren got some great things too...some new sunglasses, a steamer pot, and an engagement picture album that I made for him! He was super excited about it all!

I racked up too! A pasta pot, a Columbia shirt, a cheese grater for my mixer, AND a new video camera!

My favorite Christmas tradition that Warren and I have is exchanging ornaments with each other every year. There is always a lot of thought that goes into picking ornaments for each other, and it is really fun every year to unpack ornaments from previous years! I'm so happy we started that tradition! Here is Warren's ornament to me!  

And mine to him!

Christmas 2013 was definitely one of the most memorable ones...we got to tell our families we were expecting! Everyone was super excited! It's hard to believe that we will have one more to celebrate Christmas with this year! Thank you Lord for all of our  many blessings! You are the reason for the season!

Merry Christmas!

"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." -Isiah 7:14

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