My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, February 26, 2015

~Fall Family Day~

This past Sunday after church, we decided to enjoy the wonderful fall weather and get out of the house! Now that Bowdre is a little older, and not such a small infant, it's really fun to get out of the house and take her places! Elle' is always happy to go ANYWHERE, so we loaded up and headed out!

First stop...the pumpkin patch! The local Methodist Church on the island always has a pumpkin patch, so that's where we go to get our pumpkins!  

After we had selected our wonderful pumpkins and had family photo time, we headed downtown to River Street to see the sights, enjoy the weather, get a little exercise, and of course, get some ice cream!

We saw pirate ships...

Scary trucks...

And HUGE pumpkins!

But most of all, we just enjoyed the family time together! Then it was home to carve our pumpkins! 

What a great fall day spent with my wonderful family! So blessed! Happy Fall!!

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