My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, February 26, 2015

~Dear Bowdre-3 Months Old~

Dear Bowdre,

I can't even begin to express how much joy you have brought to us and all those around you! You have your own personality, that's for sure, but it's so fun and interesting to watch it develop! I have to say that you are looking more and more like your daddy every day. You have such similar features, as well as facial expressions! Speaking of facial expressions, you have such adorable ones! You have grown so much are already in 6 month clothes! I think you are going to be tall, like me and Pop!

It was very hard to leave you and go back to work, but I'm so happy that you are going to be able to stay home for a while! It makes me feel so much better about having to leave you! But I can say that I MISS YOU very very much, and each day I rush home so I can get some of that sweet sweet baby sugar!

At 3 months, you are totally sleeping through the night (you have been since Month 1), you are trying so hard to sit up, but you just aren't there yet, and you are cutting your first tooth (ouch!). You love being read to and looking at the pictures in the books. You love music too! We have started baby sign language and you seem to be taking to it....or either you think we are crazy one....could be a little of both :) You are following things completely with your eyes now, and you are grasping on to most things, especially hair! You also went to church for the first time too, once in Savannah and once in Millen, and you did so great!!

We love love love love you sweet baby girl and thank God for you each and every day! We are certainly blessed beyond measure!

Mommy and Daddy

PS: Here are a few of my MANY favorite pictures during your 3rd month! 

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