My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

~New Job~

So in all the excitement about the pregnancy, I completely forgot to blog about my new job. When Warren and I moved to Wilmington Island in July 2013, the plan was always for me to find a job closer to home. That was extremely hard for me to do though. I loved being at Georgia Southern, and I loved the people and students that I worked with on a daily basis...and really more than anything, I loved my boss, Dr. Pamela Bourland-Davis! I was working in the Communication Arts Department as their Academic Advisor and this job was near and dear to my heart. It is, afterall, the department that I graduated from. But I knew that the 1 hour and 15 minute drive one way back and forth every day was just getting to much for many, I really did want to be closer to home. I started applying and did a few interviews, but nothing seemed right. I can't really explain it. I told Warren that if I did leave my job at Southern, it had to be for the right job and one that would ultimately lead into a career. Finally, the right call came. Armstrong Atlantic State University (it was this at the time) called me for an interview for an Alumni Program Coordinator position that I had applied for a few months back. I interviewed and ultimately ended up getting the job. What's so ironic is that the week I found out I got the job, I also found out I was pregnant! The Lord does work in mysterious ways, and everything is in His own time. I'm glad I was patient and waited for the right job. I started my new job on January 13, 2014. What a great way to start off the new year! I really do enjoy the work I do at Armstrong. It's been challenging, but also a lot of fun! Mainly, I plan events for the Alumni Association/Office. I've done all sorts of different events, and what makes it even better, is that I get to use my Public Relations background! Although I miss Georgia Southern from time to time, I'm happy that I got to start a new chapter of my life in a new place, and I am thankful that Armstrong gave me the opportunity to do something that I love! Here are a couple of pictures from some events I've done here so far!


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