My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, May 22, 2015

~My Weightloss Journey-Results # 6~

Well...results are in! My latest 14-day challenge ended this morning! I have to say I was a little bummed but not totally surprised. My coaches in this program told me that there would be several times that I leveled out and didn't loose much during the challenge. I guess this time was one of them, as I actually gained .4 ounces during the time of this challenge. Bummer. The total weight loss since February 1st is at 24 pounds! I am still pleased with this number and am happy with the habits I have formed so far. In this program, you are suppose to do a 24 day challenge, which includes the typical 14 day challenge (like I have been doing) after you do the initial 10 day cleanse, every 3 months. Since I have been leveling out and maintaining instead of really losing and I haven't been able to fit in exercise in my crazy schedule yet, I thought this would be the perfect time to do another 24 day challenge. Rid my body of toxins, begin again fresh, and start the summer off with a bang! I will begin the challenge on Tuesday, May 26th!

Since I really like being challenged in some ways, I am challenging myself to watch what I eat this long holiday weekend. These types of weekends are typically where/when I struggle the most. I think "'s a holiday weekend, so I can splurge a little." Yes, this is true! BUT...I tend to splurge ALOT! So that is my challenge for myself for the next 3 days!

I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, and happy Memorial Day Weekend!

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