My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

~Memorial Day 2015~

First, I would like to say how grateful I am for all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. They are the reason that we live in the land of the free and are why we can all enjoy this holiday with our friends and family. Thank you! Your sacrifice will never be forgotten!

Warren and I wanted to do something really fun with Bowdre for Memorial Day. We decided to pack up and head to Hilton Head for the day. Bowdre slept in until 9AM...yes, 9AM, so that gave us lots of extra energy for the exciting day ahead!

We decided that we wanted to take her to the beach and the pool and spending a couple of hours at each would be a great way to spend the day, then we would hit up Giuseppe's for dinner before heading home.

First stop...the beach! Since my parent's own a condo in Hilton Head, we have access to the private beach in Sea Pines...which is perfect (especially on a holiday weekend) to take a baby. It is less crowded and much more accessible! It was perfect! Bowdre absolutely loved the beach. She was memorized by the sand, breeze and water. We got her all lathered up with sunscreen and hung out with her under the tent for a while so she could warm up to it. She loved playing with her toys as well as anything she could get her hand on...adorable! Warren had fun hanging out under the tent too...

Then it was WATER TIME!!! We sat her down in the sand, and she immediately started smiling and laughing. Of course, she tried to eat it several times, and I'm pretty sure that some made it to her mouth before Warren and I could stop her...oh happens I guess. She also loved the water as it came creeping up towards her! I'm so glad she liked it...I wasn't sure how it was going to go!
Here is a video of her first time at the beach in the water!

We really had a great time at the are a couple more photos!

After the beach we headed over to the Harbor Town pool, and it wasn't crowded at all, which was super nice! Bowdre loved the water, but not her float so much. I think it might take a little getting used too!

We really had a wonderful Memorial Day spent exactly as it should be...with my wonderful little family! I love them so! I'm so grateful and blessed that we live in a country of freedom. I will always remember those who fought and died for this country. Happy Memorial Day 2015~

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