My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, May 1, 2015

~April: A Summary~

Another month gone it just me or is 2015 going by very very quickly. I feel like I say that about every year.

April was a very busy month for our little wonder it went by! We had lots of family fun this month. We started the month out with Easter, and Bowdre had her first trip to the Heritage in Hilton Head...a vacation definitely needed and enjoyed!

Bowdre also hit some milestones. She started pulling up, going from laying to sitting by herself, and is definitely in the beginning stages of crawling (she can crawl if she wants to get something). We had her 9 month check-up, which came with a great report. Our sweet girl is growing like a weed and is healthy and happy. I can't think of hearing anything any better! Bowdre is also starting to eat "some" table food. So much has happened in just 1 month.

Warren's job is going great, and they are busier than ever! I'm still really enjoying my job, and I finally got signed up to complete my last 2 French classes during the summer! Progress Progress!

We also bought a new car!!

Quinney Oaks Plantation is also booming! Matter of fact, my parents have weddings for the next 8 Saturdays! So blessed to be a part of this as well! We are also getting ready to launch our website!

News on the house front: We found buyers for our house and have already signed a contract! Appraisal and inspection has been done, and we are set for a closing date in June! So exciting, but this also means that Warren and I have to get moving on finding a house in Statesboro, which is not looking promising at the moment...but I know God will provide and help us find the perfect house for our family!

Elle' is doing great, especially considering we are always on the go! She has definitely been a trooper.

Weight Loss: I'm right in the middle of another 14 day challenge, but as of today, I have lost a total of 22.8 pounds. I didn't reach my goal of 30 by the end of April, but I'm still making progress in the right time for a new goal.

Sitting here typing this, I realize how busy we are. I'm so glad that we still make efforts to spend quality time together as a family.

Now onto May...we are ready for you! Many things to look forward to this month...
-My first Mother's Day!
-Our 3 year wedding anniversary!
-Weddings at Quinney Oaks!
-Starting to pack up our house (not sure I'm really looking forward to this...but it must be done)!
-Starting the 1st of 2 French classes (definitely not looking forward to these classes, but so ready to have them behind me)!
-Bowdre's 9 month pictures!
-Bowdre turning 10 months old!
-Getting started on a memorable and fun summer!
-Continuing my weight loss journey-Goal for May is to be 35 pounds down by the end of May! So a little more than 10 pounds to go! I can do it...I can do it!

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