My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, May 18, 2015

~Another Milestone~

Bowdre has been pulling up on anything that she can for a little while now, sometimes successfully, and sometimes not so much. There have definitely been a couple of bumps...good thing her hiney is pretty cushioned. She has a small chair in her room that she is now really starting to use, especially to pull herself to standing position (it's the perfect size for this). Well on Saturday, she can officially pull herself up to stand (with the help of the chair), but then can let go and stand without holding onto anything for a few seconds. She is learning balance, and I have to's adorable to watch!! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to catch her doing it on video. It happens so quickly! BUT...I didn't catch this on video over the weekend of Bowdre standing up and holding on to her walker. Adorable. You can also hear her try and say "Bye Bye" in it too! Enjoy the cuteness!

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