My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, May 29, 2015

~Dear Bowdre-10 Months Old~

Dear Bowdre,

I can't even begin to put into words how much we love you! As I sit here writing this trying to understand how 10 months has just flown by, I almost tear up thinking about the day you were born. It was the absolute best day of our life, and we thank God each and every day for giving you to us, and we couldn't be more proud to be your parents.

I think about how so much has changed in 10 months...the things that you can now do and how much you have grown right before our very eyes. It amazes amaze me sweet girl.

You have been very busy this month, and we have certainly celebrated a lot of milestones with you! 

You started out your 10th month with a bang and started crawling right away. You were doing the army crawl for quite a while before this but just couldn't seem to get the whole knee up thing down. But on May was official. Mommy and Daddy had a crawler!

You also took your first boat ride on May 9th and loved every minute of it! I think it's a definite that you are going to love the water!

Then on May 10th I celebrated my 1st Mother's Day, which wouldn't be possible without you my sweet girl. It was the best day, and I am so blessed that God made me your mom...there is no greater honor! We had a great day at church, and then on the water!
Church on Mother's Day

You have been pulling up on anything and everything for a while, but on Saturday, May 16th, you pulled up, stood up, and let go and stood by yourself for about 5 seconds. We were so proud of you sweet girl! Trying to get your balance! It's so funny watching you pull up on everything, because no matter what, you don't give up until you are up!
Of course I can pull up!
That same day, you took your 1st trip to the Wilmington Island Farmer's Market, and you got to meet Paula Deen. I know this doesn't mean much to you now, but one day you are going to be so thankful that I snapped this picture!

You still love to eat, and are eating lots of fruits and vegetables. I think your favorite time is breakfast when you get oatmeal and yogurt bites though. You can completely drink out of a sippy cup by yourself, you love being held, and you are pretty much getting into everything now that you can crawl and won't be long before you are walking and then we are really in for it! You still only have 2 teeth...but they are the cutest teeth ever!

You favorite time is still BATH TIME!

This certainly has been a very fun month with you sweet girl. You get so excited when you accomplish something new, and we are so happy for you! We cherish each and every moment that we are together, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for you our sweet Bowdre! We love you so! Here are a few more of my favorite pictures from this past month!

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