My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

~My Weightloss Challenge-Results #5~

The results are in!! Last night I finished another 14 day challenge! At the end of my last 14 day challenge I had lost a total of 21 pounds. Well I am happy to say that during this challenge, I lost another 3.4 pounds, bring my total weight loss since February 1, 2015, to 24.4 pounds!!! I start another 14 day challenge today, and I'm hoping to continue the progress!

I was pretty proud of myself this go round...I really tried to keep up during the weekends, which has been the main struggle for me. I wouldn't say I did great, because I skipped my spark drink a couple of times, and I also didn't drink enough water, but I definitely did better these past 2 weekends than I have in the past. I'm just going to keep trying to make the weekends as strict as the week.

I also haven't exercised ANY...AT...ALL. I know that if I were exercising at least some, more pounds would come off, so hopefully, once our life is a little less busy, I can get into an exercise routine. I have, however, tried to incorporate a little exercise into the weekends...but don't get me wrong, it's not much. But...
-This past Sunday after Church, we went downtown to have lunch at the Distillery. It was good, and I had a salad (Go Me!!). After lunch, I decided that I wanted us to all take a walk. We actually walked a good bit down Broughton Street and around some of the squares. This is something in the past that I would have been against...but I'm slowly getting there!
-Since we bought my new car, I have been parking pretty far away from the doors of places like work, grocery stores, etc. So my walk is longer! I think that should get me just a few exercise points.

I really think that if I start to incorporate at least a little more exercise into my weekly life and really push myself to not slack on the weekends, I would see even more weight come off!

I'm proud of the progress I have made so far, and I'm still loving the program I'm on!

I don't really have goals for individual challenges, but my big goal is to be at least 35 pounds down by the end of May! A little less than 10 pounds to go!!

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