My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, May 29, 2015

~44 Weeks Old-May 27, 2015~

May 27, 2015
44 Weeks Old

~Dear Bowdre-10 Months Old~

Dear Bowdre,

I can't even begin to put into words how much we love you! As I sit here writing this trying to understand how 10 months has just flown by, I almost tear up thinking about the day you were born. It was the absolute best day of our life, and we thank God each and every day for giving you to us, and we couldn't be more proud to be your parents.

I think about how so much has changed in 10 months...the things that you can now do and how much you have grown right before our very eyes. It amazes amaze me sweet girl.

You have been very busy this month, and we have certainly celebrated a lot of milestones with you! 

You started out your 10th month with a bang and started crawling right away. You were doing the army crawl for quite a while before this but just couldn't seem to get the whole knee up thing down. But on May was official. Mommy and Daddy had a crawler!

You also took your first boat ride on May 9th and loved every minute of it! I think it's a definite that you are going to love the water!

Then on May 10th I celebrated my 1st Mother's Day, which wouldn't be possible without you my sweet girl. It was the best day, and I am so blessed that God made me your mom...there is no greater honor! We had a great day at church, and then on the water!
Church on Mother's Day

You have been pulling up on anything and everything for a while, but on Saturday, May 16th, you pulled up, stood up, and let go and stood by yourself for about 5 seconds. We were so proud of you sweet girl! Trying to get your balance! It's so funny watching you pull up on everything, because no matter what, you don't give up until you are up!
Of course I can pull up!
That same day, you took your 1st trip to the Wilmington Island Farmer's Market, and you got to meet Paula Deen. I know this doesn't mean much to you now, but one day you are going to be so thankful that I snapped this picture!

You still love to eat, and are eating lots of fruits and vegetables. I think your favorite time is breakfast when you get oatmeal and yogurt bites though. You can completely drink out of a sippy cup by yourself, you love being held, and you are pretty much getting into everything now that you can crawl and won't be long before you are walking and then we are really in for it! You still only have 2 teeth...but they are the cutest teeth ever!

You favorite time is still BATH TIME!

This certainly has been a very fun month with you sweet girl. You get so excited when you accomplish something new, and we are so happy for you! We cherish each and every moment that we are together, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for you our sweet Bowdre! We love you so! Here are a few more of my favorite pictures from this past month!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

~Bowdre is 10 Months~

Bowdre Victoria Clements
May 23, 2015
10 Months Old

~Memorial Day 2015~

First, I would like to say how grateful I am for all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. They are the reason that we live in the land of the free and are why we can all enjoy this holiday with our friends and family. Thank you! Your sacrifice will never be forgotten!

Warren and I wanted to do something really fun with Bowdre for Memorial Day. We decided to pack up and head to Hilton Head for the day. Bowdre slept in until 9AM...yes, 9AM, so that gave us lots of extra energy for the exciting day ahead!

We decided that we wanted to take her to the beach and the pool and spending a couple of hours at each would be a great way to spend the day, then we would hit up Giuseppe's for dinner before heading home.

First stop...the beach! Since my parent's own a condo in Hilton Head, we have access to the private beach in Sea Pines...which is perfect (especially on a holiday weekend) to take a baby. It is less crowded and much more accessible! It was perfect! Bowdre absolutely loved the beach. She was memorized by the sand, breeze and water. We got her all lathered up with sunscreen and hung out with her under the tent for a while so she could warm up to it. She loved playing with her toys as well as anything she could get her hand on...adorable! Warren had fun hanging out under the tent too...

Then it was WATER TIME!!! We sat her down in the sand, and she immediately started smiling and laughing. Of course, she tried to eat it several times, and I'm pretty sure that some made it to her mouth before Warren and I could stop her...oh happens I guess. She also loved the water as it came creeping up towards her! I'm so glad she liked it...I wasn't sure how it was going to go!
Here is a video of her first time at the beach in the water!

We really had a great time at the are a couple more photos!

After the beach we headed over to the Harbor Town pool, and it wasn't crowded at all, which was super nice! Bowdre loved the water, but not her float so much. I think it might take a little getting used too!

We really had a wonderful Memorial Day spent exactly as it should be...with my wonderful little family! I love them so! I'm so grateful and blessed that we live in a country of freedom. I will always remember those who fought and died for this country. Happy Memorial Day 2015~

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

~Our Fun, But Busy, Weekend~

I always like to make posts about our weekends. #1 reason is because we are so busy it's nice to take a moment and reflect, and #2 so I can always remember what we have done and when...things are a bit busy in our lives right now, and I want to make sure I remember each and every thing!

Friday night, like always it seems, is about grocery shopping and preparing for the weekend and week ahead. Warren is seriously the best husband. Our Friday nights have definitely changed drastically, and he doesn't mind a bit. I've been really busy this past week with starting my French classes, and my parent's have been extremely busy with 8 weddings in a row plus rehearsal dinners too, so Warren has been the one really going the extra mile and helping us all out....and he is also really busy. I really can't say enough how much I appreciate him! He leaves work and goes all the way back to Millen to pick Bowdre up on Friday's and bring her home. He then went to Sam's Club to pick up some things for us and stayed there until I could meet him , then we both shopped around for a bit, followed by grocery shopping at Kroger. Of course, we got home a little late and I had to bathe Bowdre (and he hung out with us) and totally settled for cereal for supper! What a great guy!!! I think then both of us totally zonked out on the couch, I believe during an episode of Swamp People...but I can't be for certain!

On Saturday morning, we got us and had our usual routine. Seriously, Saturday mornings are my absolute favorite! We get Bowdre up, feed her, watch a little TV, and then Warren usually goes and does something outside. This Saturday it was mow the front and back yard, trim bushes, weed eat, clean off the back porch, and blow off the driveway and car port. All while letting me spend lots of great cuddle time with Bowdre. We have our oatmeal, spend time playing, and read lots of books! Also, Saturday's are the one day of the week that I allow myself to have coffee...and I love that!! It's a great routine, and I enjoy it very much! Here are a couple of pictures from our play/eat time this Saturday morning...

On Saturday afternoon, I headed to a friends baby shower! She's having twins!! Wow...I couldn't imagine! We got to see my good friend Kim and her daughter Scarlett at the party! One of the reasons I'm excited to move back to Statesboro is that we will be closer to Kim, John and Scarlett! We love them, and we had a great time hanging out at the baby shower!

 When we got home, we just played a while with Bowdre and decided to grill something really good for dinner! We had steaks, grilled corn, and a yummy salad! A perfect mommy-daddy date night dinner at home! Again, after that, we both passed out on the couch...I believe during National Lampoon's but I can't be for sure!

On Sunday, Warren wasn't feeling very well so we didn't make it to Church. He worked really hard the day before outside, and I believe was having some issues probably due to allergies with all the pollen. I'm sure the grass cutting didn't help either! Around 1:30, I headed off to Millen for Bowdre's 9 month pictures with the wonderful Krista Powell! Seriously, Bowdre was adorable! We got some pictures of her sitting and standing in her beautiful outfit from Dollcake oh so girly! I love love love that store! It is a hand-made outfit all the way from Australia, and she was the cutest baby EVER in it! Here is a sneak peek of the beautiful photos...I can not wait to see the rest!
After an hour session, Bowdre and I headed back to Savannah. Our friends Brooke and Micah Baldwin, who live just a few houses down from us, invited us for dinner! It was a wonderful meal. Micah made chicken cordon bleu, sauteed green beans, and sauteed onions and mushrooms! Delicious! Bowdre had a great time playing with their HUGE yellow lab, Cash. She pretty much would follow him around, and then he would turn around and chase was adorable!
We had a wonderful, but busy, weekend filled with lots of fun things! We were also quite tired from it all, so thankfully, this weekend was a 3-day weekend with Memorial Day being on Monday...but more about Memorial Day in another post.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend spent with family! I know how much I enjoy and treasure weekends with mine!