My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

~Weekend Recap-July 31st to August 2nd~

As I'm trying to catch up on my blog posts, I'm having such fun remembering all of the things our family has had going on the past month. No wonder I've had a hard time keeping up and catching up! On Friday (July 31st), Bowdre had her 12 month check-up in Savannah (more on that later), so Warren and I decided to make a trip out of it! We have been keeping our boat at a marina in Savannah, and the 31st was the last day it was going to be there, so we had to go pick it up anyway! So we thought, why not take it out for an evening spin?

I know someone who is super happy we did!

It was such a beautiful evening on the water, and we had so much fun. I think Bowdre had the MOST fun trying to be in control of the boat!

After a while, we decided to try out Bonna Bella, which is a restaurant that is on the water. It's actually called something else now, but I can't remember the name. It is set up sorta like tapas, so smaller meals. We seriously had a great time. The food was wonderful, the view was gorgeous, and the company was super special! We all ate until our heart and tummies were content. Warren and I split a calamari appetizer. Warren had a really delicious fish meal, and I had the most amazing fish tacos. We both had salads! Bowdre had yummy fresh watermelon, along with scrumptious gold fish and cheerios, with some sweet potato thrown in there! We ALL split a delicious warmed chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream. Yea...the food was amazing!

It was such a fun evening, but by the time we made it back home, we were exhausted! I don't quite remember really what we did on Saturday and Sunday, but I know we went to church, and spent some time in the pool! Fun and relaxing weekends spent with just doesn't get much better!

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