My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

~1st Day of School at First United Methodist Preschool (12-24 months)-August 3, 2015~

Somehow, Bowdre's first day at school arrived. I have spent months trying to prepare myself for this. How would she like it? Would she be a good girl? Would she really be learning? Would be be sweet to other kids? Would other kids be sweet to her? Would she nap? Would she eat? The list goes on and on and on. Deep down I think I knew she would be just fine! I knew she needed some more interaction with other kids and she also needed to be learning. But still, for this mama it was really really hard!

Bowdre did wonderfully getting up early. She is only getting up about 30 minutes earlier than she normally does, so thankfully it doesn't disrupt too much! She was excited to get dressed and start moving around!
Here is a picture of the whole family! I think Bowdre is trying to figure out why everyone is smiling that early in the morning? But by the 3rd picture, she finally caught on!

Once we got to FUMC, we took Bowdre to Early Birds, where they get to play and eat some breakfast. Bowdre probably did more playing, since she had already eaten breakfast earlier. The child pretty much eats breakfast right when she gets up! By the time we took the pictures above this, she had already had some cheerios, oatmeal, and some fruit! Anyway, she definitely cried when Warren and I left, but literally 2 seconds later when I poked by head back in to check, she was already happy and playing! Thank goodness! Prayers answered!

She really loved it and had a wonderful first day! We are so blessed that Bowdre is happy and thriving at FUMC! We are so appreciative of all of the staff there that take care of our baby for us! We are looking forward to a wonderful year!

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