My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, August 10, 2015

~Family Reunion/Mountain Weekend~

Several weekends ago (I'm still trying to catch up on my blogging), we went to Blairsville, GA, for Warren's family reunion. Each year, typically the same weekend, Warren's family gets together for a weekend of fun. There is usually dinner Friday night, a Saturday get together, and then everyone heads home on Sunday. Warren and I have been to most of the last few. The first one I attended was in Jacksonville, then followed by Rome, and the lake near Augusta last year. This year was so much fun, mostly because Warren and I had Bowdre. She had so much fun meeting everyone, and Warren and I had a great time catching up to family members! Since I was chasing Bowdre around most of the time, I didn't get a chance to take many pictures unfortunately, but we had a blast!

We met the family in Blairsville Friday night and had dinner at a local restaurant. Saturday, we met at a local bank's community room, for lunch and then spent most of the day catching up. We met back there Saturday night for leftovers, and then Warren and I headed out after around lunch on Sunday! It was a jam packed weekend, but the mountain view were wonderful, the cabin was beautiful (more on this in a sec), and the company was the best part of all!

Look at this view that surrounded us all weekend! Priceless!

Here are a few pictures of Bowdre running around like a mad woman! She thinks she is so grown now that she can walk!

Aunt Joan got a cabin that we split between 4 families! We had so much fun hanging out together, talking and of course, eating! It was a beautiful cabin, and we enjoyed every minute of staying there!

Here is a picture of our room! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
We really had a wonderful time this year, and we are already looking forward to next year!!!!

More about our ride home on the next blog!

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