My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

~First United Methodist Church Preschool Open House~

So it's safe to say that time has flown by! Warren and I really wanted Bowdre to be able to stay home for her first year...and she did just that! A huge thank you to my mom who really took on the job of keeping Bowdre every single day! It was really a blessing to be able to have Bowdre with the person I trust the most! I knew it was going to be hard to make a transition to a full time school for Bowdre, but we all agreed it was time! Bowdre is super-smart! I know, I know...all moms say that about their babies...but Bowdre is super super smart...and she needed to be using her skills and also opening up her mind to learning more. The place that did that was school. Warren and I did some looking around, and we went with FUMC for various reasons. We definitely felt at home there and really liked the facility as well as the staff. They are so friendly. The one thing that hit the home run for me is when Ann, the director, said to me: "Remember, this is school...not daycare." I loved that. Bowdre is able to play while also focusing on learning!

Finally, the time arrived for Open House! The whole entire family went! Mom, Dad, Gammy, Pop, and Bowdre! Yes...we were THOSE people!

Here is a picture of her in her chair at Open House! Unfortunately, it was so crazy and I was so overwhelmed that it was the only picture I got that evening. I'll do better next year!

She was the only one in the room playing with all the toys! She was so excited!

More to come about her first day and week in the next couple of blog posts!

We are so thankful and blessed that God put FUMC in our lives, and it could not have been at a better time! Isn't it funny how things work out?

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