My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

~We are Homeowners Once Again~

For those of you who know Warren and I, it has taken us quite a while to pick out a house. I think both of us are super picky. We like privacy, but also like being decently close to town. We like older homes as opposed to newer ones. I wanted some sort of porch...a large kitchen, large bedrooms, hardwood floors, and honestly, the list goes on and on. I'm not hard to please right?!? Ok, maybe I am...but Warren is equally hard-to-please when it comes to where we will make our home, which is something I so appreciate about him! A lot of guys really don't care!

What is funny is that Warren had driven past the house (that we ultimately ended up buying), a while ago, thinking "Nah...Cameron probably won't like it." So, he never showed it to me, and for some reason, I never found it online while completing my searches. One day, we were in Statesboro on a Saturday doing some drive-bys, and somehow, we ended up driving by this house and I told Warren to stop. I liked the area, and the fact that it was not in a sub-division (nothing against sub-divisions, but they just aren't for me). It was empty, so we could see through all the windows pretty nicely. I have to say, I wasn't sold at first, but over the next couple of days, I couldn't get it off my mind. It had pretty much everything I was looking for, including three acres, which definitely gave me that privacy factor that I wanted so dearly. It had nice large bedrooms, a neat closed-in carport (that we are ultimately going to turn into a playroom), and it had the most gorgeous sunroom off the back of the a outdoor storage building that also served as the carport.

After some serious thought, I decided that it was the house for us! I think what held me back was the fact that although the house itself was in wonderful shape...a good bit of it was seriously outdated, and I saw it somewhat as a renovation project and honestly, I don't have the time nor patience for that. This patience issue is one of, if not the sole, reason we didn't build a house in the first place. After some discussion with Warren and him doing some persuading, we decided that we could swing doing a major renovation of the kitchen, pantry, breakfast area, as well as the guest bathroom. I WAS SOLD!

We closed on the house October 6, 2015, and pretty much immediately started the project. Warren is working on the other rooms with paint, moulding, etc, but Project Kitchen/Pantry/Breakfast Room/Guest Bath is in full swing. We hope to be finished with this project by mid-November so that we will be living in our house for the upcoming holiday season! I'm excited to keep you up-to-date on our projects and of course, before and after pictures!

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