My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

~Mommy/Daughter Day~

One of the many many amazing perks of my new job is that I get to spend more quality time with my precious baby girl. Although she goes to school for some part of the day on Tuesday/Thursday, some times she doesn't go at all and just gets to hang out with me. A few Thursdays back, I decided to have a mommy and me day, where we just spend the ENTIRE day hanging out! I'm so glad we did, because we had so much fun!

We started by sleeping in (until 8AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!)...that hasn't happened in a while! Then a breakfast of Bowdre's favorite...scrambled eggs and coffee for mom! After that large breakfast and some play time, we headed off to Statesboro to run errands. We went to Lowe's shopping, and then headed to Bowdre's favorite place for lunch. El Sombrero! Her absolute favorite is beans and quesadillas. Come on...who doesn't love them?!

Well, I can assure you this girl does! After lunch, we headed to go grocery shopping. For those of you who don't know, Bowdre loves to go grocery shopping. She is the best shopping partner around. Entertaining? For sure...but she also helps point things out as well! Her favorite though is riding in the buggy!

Overall, we had a wonderful Mommy/Daughter Day! I am so blessed to be able to have these with the best baby around!

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