My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

~First Day & Night in Our New Home~

Our first night as a family in our new home was on Saturday, October 10th. That being said, I'm not counting it as our official first night until we actually move furniture, I am sleeping in my bed with my sheets, and Bowdre is in her crib as opposed to a pack-n-play. And, of course, we actually have TV. We just thought that it would be nice for Bowdre and I to stay on Saturday nights. This way, we get to spend time together as a family, and give Mom and Dad a break as well, especially since wedding season is in full swing once again.

Warren has been pretty much staying and working on the house during the week, making sure we are move-in ready before Thanksgiving, so we definitely want to spend time with him too! Bowdre, at this point, was teething pretty badly. Poor baby is cutting all molars at the same time, plus a couple more teeth up front. Fussy is an understatement. Thankfully, 99% of the time we have a happy baby, so this wave of moodiness and cry cry cry, I was not quite used to. WOW! Them teeth gotta hurt is all I got to say.

That being said, I tried to occupy Bowdre as best as I could, but I found out quickly that being in an empty house is not the way to do it. Here are a few pictures from that day!
Warren working away in the sun-room.

View of our storage building/carport.

Being busy.

Picking out moulding.
I'm pretty sure my child cried ALL DAY LONG. Matter of fact, I don't think she really stopped once, except for these couple of pictures that I took. We went to Lowe's and she practically had her first fit. I was so embarrassed, as I carried her literally kicking and screaming out of the store. Yea...not fun! At least someone was happy today.
Elle' loves her new home and space! Three acres all to herself, well and us too!

Thankfully, she started to get it together and we were able to have a somewhat normal dinner, but it was probably because she got to eat Chinese, so she let the moody baby go and the happy one came back for 30 minutes. Also, thankfully, due to all of the crying and fit-pitching, she was pretty exhausted and went to bed at record early time. Thank goodness! Mama was exhausted.

Now, mind you, while I was also dealing with moody, fussy, crying baby all day, I did manage to get the entire sun-room vacuumed, as well as got all the spider webs out, and let me tell you, there were a lot of them. Making my point even further, I did NOT sit on my butt all day and twiddle my thumbs. Lol. After Bowdre had gone to bed, Warren asked me to help him do something. To be honest, I don't even remember what it was. I told him that I was going to be there in a couple of minutes, so just to wait on me. Well, I guess sometime during those 2 minutes, I PASSED OUT!
This is the picture that Warren took of me. Not only did he post this picture on Facebook, but he also put these words with it.
Somebody's worn out from the first day in the new house. Cameron Rocker Clements must be tired from watching me work all day.
HAHA! Well, all I have to say Warren Clements, is that revenge is coming!

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