My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, October 16, 2015

~Bowdre is 14 Months Old-September 24, 2015~

Dear Bowdre,

Each month, I find myself writing the same statement. "How have you grown so fast...and Time is flying by before my eyes...Time please slow down just a bit!" I can't begin to express how we feel and how much we love you! You amaze us each day with how smart and independent you are.

You are 27 pounds, and no telling how many inches long. I think you will be tall like mommy! You love spending time with you family and being outside. Riding on the golf cart with Elle' is probably your favorite thing to do. Don't blame you, I love doing that too, especially with you! You are talking up a storm, even though we don't understand most of it. We can tell you are trying to hard to talk.

You love to eat most anything. Favorite is probably cheese quesadillas, but mostly, you love fruit. A Chick-fil-a the other day, you passed up the nuggets for fruit! Yay! You are so easy-going, most of the time. Girl, let me tell you, you are super independent. Now that you can run, there is no slowing you down. But sometimes, you want to be held, and I treasure those moments more than you know.

You love going to school. I think it offers you an opportunity to show your smarts and challenge you, which I think you enjoy! Your teachers have nothing but wonderful things to say!

We are really proud of you...can you tell? These past 14 months have gone by so fast, and we are so in love with you!

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