My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

~My Weightloss Journey-Results #4~

I wanted to post another update regarding my weight loss. This 14 day challenge was definitely a challenging one.

To go back, at the end of the last 14 day challenge, I had lost a total of 18 pounds. So when I started my next challenge on March 30th, and had lost a couple of pounds within the next couple of days, I was stoked. However, if you do the math, you will know that there are more than 14 days between March 30th, the day I started the next challenge, and today, April 22nd. Between Bowdre being in the hospital a couple of days and going on vacation last week, my 14 day challenge turned into an almost 30 day challenge.

That being said, as of today, April 22nd, and during this past challenge, I lost an additional 3 pounds bringing my total weight loss to 21 pounds. I started the challenge off initially with a bang, but just slowly would gain a couple of pounds and lose a couple of pounds.

Here are a couple of things I learned:
1-In the hospital, because I was so exhausted, I drank lots and lots of coke, which I NEVER drink anymore. I tried to offset all the cokes I was drinking by eating lots of salads from the cafeteria.
Lesson: I should have drank my spark drink (an advocare product with some caffeine) instead of the coke---and I should have maintained my 15+ glasses of water a day, which I didn't. I probably had 1 bottle a day and my body is used to at least 6 or 7 bottles a day. Just because life throws you a curve ball doesn't mean you have to give up on your plan.

2-During the week, I am extremely strict on not just what I eat, but the program in general. I make sure to follow my plan. Vitamins 30 mins before breakfast, breakfast shake, morning snack, spark and vitamins 30 mins before lunch, lunch, and dinner with vitamins. I really never falter from that. However, on the weekends, I do. It's not that I eat any worse foods on the weekend, because I don't, I'm just not as strict on myself with the snacks and the timing.
Lesson: Make sure I'm getting both my morning and afternoon snacks in during the weekend, and also make sure to drink my spark drink on the weekends too, because weekends are equally as important as week days. Why do all the hard work during the week just to turn around and ruin it on the weekend?

3-Vacation. What a beast. BUT...I have to say I am pretty proud of myself in some ways. I didn't stay on my challenge during my vaca which was probably half my problem, because that meant that I didn't take my vitamins. So that's Problem #1.  Problem #2-I barely drank any water. I did, however, try to make better decisions on the food choice front. Warren and I grilled out multiple times, where we had good food choices, which no starches. For example, one night we had steaks with a salad and steamed veggies. Another night, we had grilled chicken breasts with a salad and roasted corn. Pretty good choices. I even tried to make good choices when I went out to restaurants. We did have pizza  a couple of times, but I limited myself on the portions.  We split things a few times. So even though we were eating out a lot more than we are used to these days, I still was pretty proud of the choices I made.
Lesson: Just because I'm on vacation doesn't mean I have to change my lifestyle. Yes, I can enjoy things a little more, and maybe order things I wouldn't normally, but it doesn't mean I have to stop completely. Lesson learned.

So after all of these things and lessons learned, I'm still pretty pleased with being 3 more pounds down. I just keep telling myself...21 pounds down in 2 1/2 months isn't bad at all.

I started another 14 day challenge today, so we shall see what the results are.

My major goal was to be 30 pounds down by the end of April. I've got 9 more pounds to go, and 8 more days to do it in. We shall see. Until then...happy eating!

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