My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, April 27, 2015

~Dear Bowdre-9 Months Old~

Dear Bowdre,

Wow...9 Months how time really does fly! It seems just like yesterday we were at the hospital about to welcome you into the world. These past 9 months have been the best. I could go on for days talking about why. You have developed so much right before our eyes. Each day is something new, and watching you reach milestones has been such a great experience for us. You are so happy all the time, and we are so happy that you are! You love smiling, babbling, laughing, and making funny faces. Always a delight! You still sleep during the night (at least 12 hours), so no wonder you are such a ball of energy during the day. We have tried some new foods, including veggie puffs and pancakes, and you like it all! Right now your menu consists of oatmeal in the morning, fruits at lunch, veggie puffs as snacks, and veggies at night, with bottles in between. You can feed yourself now, but I still like doing it for makes me happy! You are just getting too grown, too quickly! You have 2 teeth...and they are the most precious teeth ever. You can see them so clearly when you smile, which is pretty much all the time. You love being outside and just staring at anything around you, and as of 4/15, you can now pull yourself up!! You love being on the floor rolling and scooting around. You can be from one side of the room to the other before we can blink...and you pretty much will put anything in your we have to watch you very closely! You are trying so hard to crawl...don't worry, sweet girl, you will get it! Every day is such a joy because of you! There is no way to put into words how much you are loved! You have done some exciting things this past month, and some...not so exciting.

You visited the Easter Bunny...and didn't really like him too much!
You celebrated your 1st Easter!
Went on your 1st trip to the Heritage and the Salty Dog!
And...went on your 1st bike ride!
You also made your 1st and hopefully last trip to the hospital! We are so glad you are feeling better! You were a champ though! Such a strong baby!

We love you so much sweet Bowdre! You are amazing and beautiful just the way you are! Here are a few more of our favorite pictures from the past month!


Mommy and Daddy

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