My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

~Bowdre's First Easter Sunday~

What a great day Easter was...but a busy one too! The night before Warren and I came to Millen to help my parents with a big wedding, so of course, we went to bed late! Here's a little bit about our Easter Sunday!

We woke up, and the Easter Bunny had come! We took Bowdre in to see what had been left for her. (Pardon mine and Warren's appearance...we were pretty sleepy!) Bowdre was quite excited to play! She got clothes, books, a walking toy, and some other smaller toys. She also got a beach bag, towel, sand toys, and a pool float...she is ready for summer!!

I don't have time for your pictures Mom!

Somebody's REAL excited to be up early!

Of course, my dad comes in all dressed and nice-looking, making me and Warren look more of a hot mess. Oh well...
We had lots of fun playing for a little bit, but we didn't want to be late for Church! My parents and Warren sat in Church, while I took Bowdre to the nursery. I'm having a little bit of separation anxiety right now, especially leaving her with people I haven't before, and the fact that really only my mom keeps her, so I stayed in the nursery with Bowdre during the service. I hate that I missed it, but I just didn't want to leave her. I'M WORKING ON IT I PROMISE!

After church, we came home and had lunch. I wanted some family pictures before we all changed clothes, so we headed outside for some pics! Here are some of them!

After all the fun taking pictures, everyone was ready to get out of their nice clothes. My dad wanted to go hide Easter eggs for Bowdre to find, so we headed outside for the egg hunt! Bowdre wasn't fan of looking for the eggs, but she definitely liked trying to eat them! Warren and I had a competition to find the silver eggs which had money in them. I won!! The money goes to Bowdre though :)
Looking for eggs...

and wasn't too happy about it...

I found one! I found one!

But I'd rather try and eat it!

The silver egg!

So blessed to have these 2 for parents and Bowdre's grandparents!
After all the fun, Warren and I headed home to get some much needed rest and relaxation at home! We took Bowdre outside since it was such a gorgeous day and took some pictures on my Nana's blanket and played with Elle'.

Getting some Elle' love!
After lots of play time, Aunt Joan and Uncle Preston came by for a Easter visit! We had so much fun visiting with them and playing with Bowdre! A great way to end a wonderful Easter Sunday!
This juice is really good!

Bowdre with her Aunt Joan and Uncle Preston!


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