My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, April 30, 2015

~9 Month Check-Up~

On Friday, April 24th, just one day after sweet Bowdre turned 9 months old, we had her check-up with Dr. Ramos, and she is healthy as she can be! Great check up, 1 shot and we were out of there! So proud! My baby is getting so big!

Stats of Miss Bowdre:
Length: 29.75 inches
Weight: 23.6 pounds

~My 2 Hearts~

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

~My Sweet New Ride~

So for those of you that know me or at least read my blog, then you know that our car shopping experience has been just experience. After ordering a car from a dealership in Statesboro, and it turning out the be the wrong car...I seriously debated whether or not it was the right time to get a car. I'm so glad that Warren kept searching and found the most wonderful Toyota dealership on the planet...Stokes Brown Toyota of Beaufort! They are seriously wonderful. From dealing with our requests and special orders, to actually ordering the car, to showing us everything about the car when it came was the best experience! The people there are so considerate and caring, and as long as I drive a Toyota, I will never shop anywhere else!

It was hard turning in the keys to my Pathfinder baby! I've had this car since I turned 16. So 12 1/2 years and 200,000 + miles later, it was time to move on! So many memories made in that car. It was the car that my parents bought me, the car that I drove to college in, and the car that brought my baby home from the hospital. It has seen a lot, and I'm so grateful for the wonderful reliable car that it has been to me. It is definitely the end of an era.

Now...about my new car! I absolutely love love love it! We ended up going with a Limited 2015 Toyota 4Runner. We had to order it, due to some upgrades we wanted. We wanted the 3rd row option, the running boards, remote start, and DVD players in the headrests. heard me! Isn't that so cool? But to make it even cooler, the DVD players are actually tablets that can come out, so you basically can sit in the back and watch a movie, or use it as an ipad and play on facebook or even skype! I thought that was the neatest thing by far! So due to all of that, it took a few weeks to get the car, but finally Saturday rolled around, and we headed to Beaufort to pick up our new ride! Here are a few pictures! I have to say, they have come a long way on cars in 12 1/2 years. If I drive this car for 12 1/2 years, I'm sure flying cars will be invented by then!

I am very blessed to have had 2 wonderful cars! So thank you to my parents who bought me by first car love...and my wonderful hubby who bought me this new one!

Monday, April 27, 2015

~Dear Bowdre-9 Months Old~

Dear Bowdre,

Wow...9 Months how time really does fly! It seems just like yesterday we were at the hospital about to welcome you into the world. These past 9 months have been the best. I could go on for days talking about why. You have developed so much right before our eyes. Each day is something new, and watching you reach milestones has been such a great experience for us. You are so happy all the time, and we are so happy that you are! You love smiling, babbling, laughing, and making funny faces. Always a delight! You still sleep during the night (at least 12 hours), so no wonder you are such a ball of energy during the day. We have tried some new foods, including veggie puffs and pancakes, and you like it all! Right now your menu consists of oatmeal in the morning, fruits at lunch, veggie puffs as snacks, and veggies at night, with bottles in between. You can feed yourself now, but I still like doing it for makes me happy! You are just getting too grown, too quickly! You have 2 teeth...and they are the most precious teeth ever. You can see them so clearly when you smile, which is pretty much all the time. You love being outside and just staring at anything around you, and as of 4/15, you can now pull yourself up!! You love being on the floor rolling and scooting around. You can be from one side of the room to the other before we can blink...and you pretty much will put anything in your we have to watch you very closely! You are trying so hard to crawl...don't worry, sweet girl, you will get it! Every day is such a joy because of you! There is no way to put into words how much you are loved! You have done some exciting things this past month, and some...not so exciting.

You visited the Easter Bunny...and didn't really like him too much!
You celebrated your 1st Easter!
Went on your 1st trip to the Heritage and the Salty Dog!
And...went on your 1st bike ride!
You also made your 1st and hopefully last trip to the hospital! We are so glad you are feeling better! You were a champ though! Such a strong baby!

We love you so much sweet Bowdre! You are amazing and beautiful just the way you are! Here are a few more of our favorite pictures from the past month!


Mommy and Daddy

~Bowdre is 9 Months~

Bowdre Victoria Clements
April 23, 2015
9 Months Old

Friday, April 24, 2015

~39 Weeks Old- April 22, 2015~

April 22, 2015
39 Weeks Old
Showing off those teeth and wearing Pop's shirt!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

~My Weightloss Journey-Results #4~

I wanted to post another update regarding my weight loss. This 14 day challenge was definitely a challenging one.

To go back, at the end of the last 14 day challenge, I had lost a total of 18 pounds. So when I started my next challenge on March 30th, and had lost a couple of pounds within the next couple of days, I was stoked. However, if you do the math, you will know that there are more than 14 days between March 30th, the day I started the next challenge, and today, April 22nd. Between Bowdre being in the hospital a couple of days and going on vacation last week, my 14 day challenge turned into an almost 30 day challenge.

That being said, as of today, April 22nd, and during this past challenge, I lost an additional 3 pounds bringing my total weight loss to 21 pounds. I started the challenge off initially with a bang, but just slowly would gain a couple of pounds and lose a couple of pounds.

Here are a couple of things I learned:
1-In the hospital, because I was so exhausted, I drank lots and lots of coke, which I NEVER drink anymore. I tried to offset all the cokes I was drinking by eating lots of salads from the cafeteria.
Lesson: I should have drank my spark drink (an advocare product with some caffeine) instead of the coke---and I should have maintained my 15+ glasses of water a day, which I didn't. I probably had 1 bottle a day and my body is used to at least 6 or 7 bottles a day. Just because life throws you a curve ball doesn't mean you have to give up on your plan.

2-During the week, I am extremely strict on not just what I eat, but the program in general. I make sure to follow my plan. Vitamins 30 mins before breakfast, breakfast shake, morning snack, spark and vitamins 30 mins before lunch, lunch, and dinner with vitamins. I really never falter from that. However, on the weekends, I do. It's not that I eat any worse foods on the weekend, because I don't, I'm just not as strict on myself with the snacks and the timing.
Lesson: Make sure I'm getting both my morning and afternoon snacks in during the weekend, and also make sure to drink my spark drink on the weekends too, because weekends are equally as important as week days. Why do all the hard work during the week just to turn around and ruin it on the weekend?

3-Vacation. What a beast. BUT...I have to say I am pretty proud of myself in some ways. I didn't stay on my challenge during my vaca which was probably half my problem, because that meant that I didn't take my vitamins. So that's Problem #1.  Problem #2-I barely drank any water. I did, however, try to make better decisions on the food choice front. Warren and I grilled out multiple times, where we had good food choices, which no starches. For example, one night we had steaks with a salad and steamed veggies. Another night, we had grilled chicken breasts with a salad and roasted corn. Pretty good choices. I even tried to make good choices when I went out to restaurants. We did have pizza  a couple of times, but I limited myself on the portions.  We split things a few times. So even though we were eating out a lot more than we are used to these days, I still was pretty proud of the choices I made.
Lesson: Just because I'm on vacation doesn't mean I have to change my lifestyle. Yes, I can enjoy things a little more, and maybe order things I wouldn't normally, but it doesn't mean I have to stop completely. Lesson learned.

So after all of these things and lessons learned, I'm still pretty pleased with being 3 more pounds down. I just keep telling myself...21 pounds down in 2 1/2 months isn't bad at all.

I started another 14 day challenge today, so we shall see what the results are.

My major goal was to be 30 pounds down by the end of April. I've got 9 more pounds to go, and 8 more days to do it in. We shall see. Until then...happy eating!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Heritage/Hilton Head Family Vacation 2015

My family owns a condo in Hilton Head on the 9th hole of the Heritage/Harbour Town golf course! Every other year, we get to have it for the Heritage golf tournament, which always takes place the week after the Master's in Augusta! This year was our year!! My parents had a wedding at Quinney Oaks, so unfortunately they couldn't come this year, but Warren and I took the opportunity to make a week family vacation! Things have been really crazy and hectic for us lately, so we really wanted to spend lots of time together with Bowdre just having fun and relaxing. Even though the weather wasn't desirable, we still made the most of our time in Hilton Head and vowed to come back as often as we can this summer!

We got there on Wednesday afternoon and decided to go ahead and go grocery shopping! Thursday's weather was pretty bad, so Bowdre and I just spend some time together while Warren did a little work and walked outside to see some golf.
Morning time with Mom!

Enjoying her vacation!
Warren had rented some bikes for us for the week so that we could have some family fun! But first, we had to buy Bowdre a helmet! She wasn't a fan at first, but I think she got used to it!
I think it fits!
When the weather cleared up, she was all set for her first bike ride!
Bowdre's first bike ride!

Check me out Mom!

I'm holding on!!
She had so much fun! I can't believe how big my baby is getting...tear :)

The next day, we slept in a little bit, and then headed to Skull Creek Boathouse for's my favorite shrimp salad on the PLANET. Bowdre enjoyed it as well, and apparently Sophie was on her lunch menu.
Yummy Sophie!
After lunch, we headed back to the condo so Bowdre could take a nap. Warren and I napped too! Hey...what is vacation for? Once we got up and started moving again, we decided to head over to the Salty Dog for a early dinner! Taking the bikes was so much fun. We were able to take our time and enjoy the scenery. It was a 3 mile bike ride one way. I haven't ridden my bike that long since I was a child. But, hey the work out was nice! Poor Warren...he had to carry the diaper bag and the baby, what a load!

Once we got to Salty Dog, we just enjoyed the beautiful scenery and split a lobster good!

I can't have a lobster roll...but my veggie puffs sure are tasty!

Do you think I can fit my fist in my mouth...I think I can!

Family Vacation 2015
On Saturday, Leigh Leigh and Uncle Rob came for a day visit. We had a great time hanging out with them, playing with Bowdre, and watching some golf!
Men and golf!

She loves her Leigh Leigh!
Overall, we had the best trip! Although the weather wasn't nice enough for the beach or pool, we had a great time together! It was some much needed rest and relaxation!