My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, February 26, 2016

~One Year~

On January 15, 2015, my life changed forever. I lost a huge piece of my heart, and it will never fully be mended ever again. My Nana went on to Heaven after a wonderful fulfilling life here on Earth. I miss her so much every single day. I miss our conversations, our hugs, our laughs, and really everything else. I miss seeing her hold Bowdre and the looks that she would give Bowdre...the looks of so much love. I miss her advice. I miss her cooking. I miss the feel of her hands. I miss her voice.

It's hard to believe one year has come and gone. We've made it though each holiday, each birthday, each special occasion without her present...but somehow I always feel her presence in the room, watching over us and loving us from Up Above.

I know I will see her again one day, and what a wonderful magnificent magical day that will be!

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