My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, February 15, 2016

~A New Year's Eve Wedding at Quinney Oaks~

Our friends, Chris and Courtenay, were married at my parent's house on New Year's Eve. Before I tell you about the wedding, let me fill you in on how we all met.

I met Courtenay back in college...we were good friends, especially once I graduated. We would go out and always have sooo much fun together.

Here is a picture of us way back when...

Fast forward 5 years or so. We were still friends and kept up, but you know how it goes, lives go on and we all become busy, so we just lose touch. I am pregnant, Warren and I are living in Savannah, and we get invited to an oyster roast that our friends down the street, Brooke and Micah Baldwin, were having. Micah works with Warren, and Brooke and I are from the same town, and our moms are BFF's. (See how this inter-connection is beginning?!?!) Since it was cold, and I was newly prego, I decided to sit it out, but Warren decided to go! About an hour after Warren left, he called me and said, "Guess who I am talking to?" Of course, I had no was Courtenay! She attended the party with Chris, a guy that works with Warren and Micah. I couldn't believe it!! Of course, I got out of my jammies and rushed down to their house to say hello. From there it was history. This oyster roast just happened to be Chris and Courtenay's first date...and they just got married this past New Year's Eve AT MY PARENT'S HOUSE!! Isn't it funny how things work out?!?!

Both Chris and Courtenay are some of the sweetest people I know, and I'm so happy they found each other and we got to be a part of their special day. Here are a few pictures from the rehearsal dinner. I didn't take any pictures at the actual wedding (guests were asked not to take pictures), so I can't wait to share a couple when Courtenay posts them! It was beautiful and such a magical evening!

Congratulations to the newly Mr. & Mrs. Staker, and Happy New Year's from the Clements'!

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