My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

~Christmas 2015~

I have to say that this Christmas was one that just completely came out of nowhere. I know this past year has definitely been a crazy one for us, and with the house renovations going on, Christmas arrived before I was ready.

I always try to remember the reason for the season and without the birth of Jesus, there would be all. Even as I kept reminding myself of that, I still found it hard to get into the groove of the presents, parties, Santa, and so on. I just wasn't prepared. Nothing and I mean nothing about this year was remotely traditional for me/us, and I'm just happy we made it through it.

There were so many things that we always do that we just didn't get to this year.
We didn't go see Christmas lights.
We didn't go meet Santa.
We didn't attend Christmas Eve candlelight service (this was actually due to my parent's thinking it started at 6 instead of
We didn't bake Santa any goodies (sorry Santa...I promise I'll do better next year).
We didn't make our family trip to Truitt Christmas Tree Farm in Effingham County...matter of fact, we went to the place outside of Lowe's, and Bowdre, Elle', and I stayed in the car, and I pointed to the tree I wanted.
We didn't put up the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving (matter of fact, our tree made it up 2 days before Christmas).
We didn't decorate (except for the tree and a wreath on the door).
We didn't sing Christmas carols.
We didn't have any Honey Baked Ham.
We didn't have any traditional Christmas food, actually, except for our seafood tradition on Christmas Eve. Thankfully, my parents made that happen.
We had our first Christmas ever without my Nana. 

I'm sure the list could go on and on. About the only thing we did get right is presents and Christmas cards. Matter of fact, I just found out that one my dearest friends has a contest of who she receives the first Christmas card from each year....I WON!!!

I think overall with moving and renovating and pushing ourselves to get at least the dining room ready since we were having family this year just put us over the edge. Each night, Warren and I both were just exhausted...Warren from working night after night to put up gorgeous molding in our home...and me from unpacking and unpacking and unpacking boxes, and trips back and forth to Millen with loads and loads of stuff. Oh yeah, did I mention we have a 1 year old too?!?

I'm happy that my family came and were together this day. It meant so much to us! We had a wonderful day, even though we were exhausted. Oh yeah, did I mention that Santa finally came and finished Bowdre's kitchen at 4AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bowdre was a little under the weather leading up to Christmas, so she ended up sleeping in until 11AM on Christmas day...which meant Mom and Dad got to sleep in too!

All in all it was chaos...all in all it was sometimes a disaster, but we made it! I didn't take many pictures, matter of fact, I don't have one single family photo during the entire holiday. FAIL! I have to say that I'm glad Bowdre was young enough that she probably won't remember a thing, but the look on her face when she woke up and saw her new kitchen was priceless and something even all the chaos couldn't cover! NEXT YEAR I'M GOING ALL OUT!

Of all of the chaos, it brought my family and I so much closer together because we didn't get caught up in some of the other things that the season brings. We just worked together to reach a goal. We were still working Christmas Day before everyone arrived, but by God's grace, we finished it all just in time for our family!
 Blessed is what I am and extremely thankful. Now that I have had time to reflect, I keep thinking how this past year was the first one without my Nana...which was the hardest part. I think this Christmas season was meant to be a little chaotic and slightly non traditional for made it easier not thinking about all of the things we did when Nana was here. I know she was laughing in Heaven at us and how crazy it all was.

Here are some pictures from Christmas...remember, I failed at pictures this year. Next year will be better.

Below are the pictures I have from Christmas Eve. We were all dressed up to go to Candlelight Service at Church before realizing that it started an hour prior. Epic fail. Next year, we will know.

Santa has arrived at the Clements' house!

This was a picture before Bowdre came into the den to see all of her presents that Santa brought. This was at about 11:00 am!
Here is when she first saw all of her presents...she was one happy little girl!

Shortly after lunch, my parents and my brother arrived with of course their presents. The favorite was definitely her new wagon! (Video to come in the next post)!

We definitely can't forgot our trampoline from Uncle Burt! She loves it!

Shortly after my parents arrived, everyone else came too! Leigh Anne and Robby stopped by with presents for Bowdre and goodies for us.

We had a low country boil and lots and lots of sweets for dinner! Brenda and Jim, my mom, dad and brother, and Aunt Joan and Uncle Preston were all there!

It was a great night spent with family, and although things were crazy, and Warren and I were exhausted, it was all worth it!

There's always next year!

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