My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, February 26, 2016

~Robby's 30th Birthday Party~

Robby turned 30 in late January, so Leigh Anne threw him a Low Country Boil party for his 30th was a blast! It was a night of total fun with friends celebrating a hilarious wonderful guy! Here are some pictures from the party!!

After the party was over, Leigh Anne and I got into our jammies to hang out!
Happy 30th birthday Robby! Here's to the memories we made in our 20's and the awesome ones to come in our 30's! We love you!

~First Bonfire at the New House~

~One Year~

On January 15, 2015, my life changed forever. I lost a huge piece of my heart, and it will never fully be mended ever again. My Nana went on to Heaven after a wonderful fulfilling life here on Earth. I miss her so much every single day. I miss our conversations, our hugs, our laughs, and really everything else. I miss seeing her hold Bowdre and the looks that she would give Bowdre...the looks of so much love. I miss her advice. I miss her cooking. I miss the feel of her hands. I miss her voice.

It's hard to believe one year has come and gone. We've made it though each holiday, each birthday, each special occasion without her present...but somehow I always feel her presence in the room, watching over us and loving us from Up Above.

I know I will see her again one day, and what a wonderful magnificent magical day that will be!

~Cassie and Brandon Moving~

I've talked about my sweet friends, Cassie and Brandon, several times on my blog. They are such dear friends of ours and have been for several years now. We were in each other's weddings, and have been there for each other for all the good, the bad, and the ugly!

They have lived in Statesboro and actually just bought a house here a little over a year ago. Cassie was a dietitian at the hospital here, and Brandon was the Director of Physical Therapy here at the hospital as well.

Not long ago, Cassie had an opportunity to move to another job within the same company in Brunswick. To be honest, I didn't actually think they would move, so I didn't put much thought into it. They are HUGE Georgia Southern fans, and I would argue some of the best tailgaters in the world...I just didn't think they would leave; however, they felt that once Cassie got this job that it was the best opportunity for them. So they packed up, are selling their house, and moved to St. Simons! I'm so proud of them for taking this move, even though it's devastating for me...I mean, we just moved back!!!

I'm going to miss seeing them so much, but hey, St. Simons isn't that far away...and who would turn down any opportunity to go to the beach?! Not me!

Here is our last dinner out in the boro a few weeks ago! Boy, do I miss them so!

~I'm not ready to go to take a nap~

~How do you spend your weekend...this is how I spend mine!~

Just riding with my buddy, Nala!

~Natural Shopper~

~My Reading Baby~

~Bath Time~

Monday, February 15, 2016

~Saturday Mornings Watching Bubble Guppies~

~2015 Recap~

Getting caught up on my blog has been so hard. It's hard to make time, especially when there are so many things I want to share with everyday, I add to my list, and I'm about 30 blog posts behind. When I get this far behind, which thankfully doesn't happen often, it's easy to just bypass some of the things that I was planning on blogging about and just skipping to the big ticket items.

I decided, however, that these small things are just as important as the bigger things. One of the blogs that I typically like to do at the end of the year is a recap blog. Big moments, happy moments, sad moments, exciting events that have happened to me and my family throughout that year.

As you have already read by now...2015 was a tough year for me. There were so many good things that happened and came from this year, but it my opinion, it was one of my toughest personally.

So here is sort of a month-by-month recap of how I view my year.

*I lost my Nana on January 15th. I still grieve every single day.
*I left one job I didn't like and started another job I didn't like.
*My family began what would end up being almost an entire year of living on the road and out of suit cases.
*We did get to celebrate my dad's birthday on January 16th, but I kinda felt bad for him having his birthday the day after Nana died.

*If I'm being completely honest, I don't really remember February at all, except for work, and being on the road.

*Don't remember much about March, except my Mom's birthday!
*Just more work, and living on the road.
*Warren's work is going really well, which is a major plus!
*We did take a fun road trip to Atlanta to celebrate Miss June Massey's first birthday, and also celebrated Jackson Gift's first birthday as well...apparently it was the month of 1st birthday parties!
*My brother moves to Arkansas to take a job, which was really hard for me and my parents.

*Bowdre celebrated her first Easter, which was really great!
*Bowdre had her first trip to the hospital, and her first ride in an ambulance....STRESSFUL! (Thank goodness that she was fine and it was just a minor reaction to pollen).
*We took our first trip to the Heritage in Hilton Head as a family, which provided some much needed relaxation.

*This month quickly became stressful with putting the house up for sale. Since we didn't have a realtor, it was all on Warren to be around for showings, and me to keep the house spotless.
*I celebrated my first Mother's Day. I am blessed every single day to call Bowdre my daughter and to be her mom.

*Moving, packing, moving, packing. YUCK!
*Father's Day was spent packing all day, because we had to be out that Sunday night, and we weren't prepared at all. We had way more stuff that we thought, our sweet neighbors had to come help us, my parent's had to come get Bowdre, and Warren and I didn't make it back to Millen until 3AM!
*Unloading in our storage unit was not much more fun either.

*We were finally a little settled living with my parents!
*We celebrated Bowdre's 1st birthday, which was really fun to plan!
*We seemed to travel alot, which was nice!

*I landed the job of my dreams!
*Bowdre started school!
*Mark returns from Arkansas!! So happy he is home!
*Sad note: One of my best friends moves to Louisiana. That was hard. Tears might be falling as I type. 

*Things seem to be going well, but we can't and haven't found a house. Things keep falling through and we just can't seem to find what we are looking for...and begin to wonder if we ever will.

*We found a house, and the closing was at the end of the I found October was just a month of waiting. Waiting for the holidays to arrive...waiting on the closing of our house...just waiting.

*Yea, maybe a little. We closed on the house at the end of October, and went into this home knowing we would have to remodel it. Warren did a large majority of the work, so he was staying in Statesboro, I was still in Millen with was just a lot. We knew the holidays were approaching, so there was pressure on all ends.

*Successfully made it through my first semester teaching at GSU.
*This month was more moving and packing, moving and packing.
*Please read by previous post about the holidays, and that's all I'll say about that.

As I sit here writing and reflecting, it's always easier to center in and focus on the negatives, but there were sooo many positives that I want to talk about.

*I'm so blessed to have had my Nana for 29 years. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her or think about her, but I know she is in a better place!

*I'm so thankful that my husband took this opportunity, even though he knew it wouldn't be easy. He knew that it was the best thing for our family, and I appreciate him every day for putting us first and supporting us!

*I'm so thankful that I have loving parents that let us move in with them for almost an entire year. They cooked, cleaned, helped us take care of Bowdre, and so many other things, while also running a successful wedding business too. I can't even begin to thank them enough for all of their love, support, guidance, and prayer. I seriously have the best parents in the entire world.

*With my brother being gone for a few months, I realized just how important he is to me. Life wasn't the same without him around all the time, and I knew the kind of relationship he was missing with Bowdre. I'm so happy he is back and Bowdre loves her Uncle Mark so much.

*Even though my first two jobs of the year weren't fun, I ended the year with my dream job. I learned that all of my hard work and not so fun jobs all brought me here. I'm so grateful each and every day for this opportunity. Not only is it my dream to teach college students and make an impact on their lives, I also get more time at home with Bowdre and just more time to myself in general. It's been a blessing to say the least.

*I got a new car...and I love it.

*I lost 40 pounds this year. I set on on February 1st on a mission to lose lots of weight, and I did. I've very proud of the progress I made last year, but the last couple of months, I did relapse quite a bit. (I gained back 10 pounds :(  :(  :(   The positives of this is new-year, new-goals. (I'll tell you about those later). The positives is that by the year-end...30 pounds was gone!

*I have the most special, smart, awesome, sweet, beautiful little girl in the world! She brings so much light into my life every day, and I'm so thankful that God put her in my life. When things get hard and difficult, I try and think of all of my blessings, and I always think of her. She is one of my life's most wonderful blessings and being her mom is my greatest treasure!

*Bowdre loves school. I was worried with her staying home for an entire year that she would despise it, but it's quite the opposite.

*We have a new home. Despite how long it took us to find it and the amount of hours we spent packing and unpacking and renovating...we have a home that is ours...just ours. One that we will make so many memories and cherish special moments.

*I have a happy healthy relationship with my loving husband. He does so much for our family that sometimes goes unnoticed. I sure do love him.

*We have the best dog on the planet who seems to LOVE our new place. Matter of fact, I think she is the happiest to be there. We have 3 acres for her to run, roam and play! Makes my heart happy!

 Overall, I'm so blessed. I have a loving, happy, healthy family who is always there for each other, even when things get hard. When things start looking a little tough, I try to always think of the positive things I have in my life...which are so many. I have a loving husband, a supportive family, a smart happy daughter, awesome friends, amazing job, great home, nice car, great health, and a relationship with God that even when I fall short, He is there to pick me up.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I was happy to see a new year arrive, but I like looking back and reflecting on 2015...I sure learned a lot! 

~A New Year's Eve Wedding at Quinney Oaks~

Our friends, Chris and Courtenay, were married at my parent's house on New Year's Eve. Before I tell you about the wedding, let me fill you in on how we all met.

I met Courtenay back in college...we were good friends, especially once I graduated. We would go out and always have sooo much fun together.

Here is a picture of us way back when...

Fast forward 5 years or so. We were still friends and kept up, but you know how it goes, lives go on and we all become busy, so we just lose touch. I am pregnant, Warren and I are living in Savannah, and we get invited to an oyster roast that our friends down the street, Brooke and Micah Baldwin, were having. Micah works with Warren, and Brooke and I are from the same town, and our moms are BFF's. (See how this inter-connection is beginning?!?!) Since it was cold, and I was newly prego, I decided to sit it out, but Warren decided to go! About an hour after Warren left, he called me and said, "Guess who I am talking to?" Of course, I had no was Courtenay! She attended the party with Chris, a guy that works with Warren and Micah. I couldn't believe it!! Of course, I got out of my jammies and rushed down to their house to say hello. From there it was history. This oyster roast just happened to be Chris and Courtenay's first date...and they just got married this past New Year's Eve AT MY PARENT'S HOUSE!! Isn't it funny how things work out?!?!

Both Chris and Courtenay are some of the sweetest people I know, and I'm so happy they found each other and we got to be a part of their special day. Here are a few pictures from the rehearsal dinner. I didn't take any pictures at the actual wedding (guests were asked not to take pictures), so I can't wait to share a couple when Courtenay posts them! It was beautiful and such a magical evening!

Congratulations to the newly Mr. & Mrs. Staker, and Happy New Year's from the Clements'!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

~Happy 30th Anniversary~

Happy 30th Anniversary (December 29, 2015) to my wonderful loving awesome supportive parents! Thank you for being such a great example of what a Godly, Christian marriage should be! We love you!

~She loves her wagon~

~Christmas 2015~

I have to say that this Christmas was one that just completely came out of nowhere. I know this past year has definitely been a crazy one for us, and with the house renovations going on, Christmas arrived before I was ready.

I always try to remember the reason for the season and without the birth of Jesus, there would be all. Even as I kept reminding myself of that, I still found it hard to get into the groove of the presents, parties, Santa, and so on. I just wasn't prepared. Nothing and I mean nothing about this year was remotely traditional for me/us, and I'm just happy we made it through it.

There were so many things that we always do that we just didn't get to this year.
We didn't go see Christmas lights.
We didn't go meet Santa.
We didn't attend Christmas Eve candlelight service (this was actually due to my parent's thinking it started at 6 instead of
We didn't bake Santa any goodies (sorry Santa...I promise I'll do better next year).
We didn't make our family trip to Truitt Christmas Tree Farm in Effingham County...matter of fact, we went to the place outside of Lowe's, and Bowdre, Elle', and I stayed in the car, and I pointed to the tree I wanted.
We didn't put up the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving (matter of fact, our tree made it up 2 days before Christmas).
We didn't decorate (except for the tree and a wreath on the door).
We didn't sing Christmas carols.
We didn't have any Honey Baked Ham.
We didn't have any traditional Christmas food, actually, except for our seafood tradition on Christmas Eve. Thankfully, my parents made that happen.
We had our first Christmas ever without my Nana. 

I'm sure the list could go on and on. About the only thing we did get right is presents and Christmas cards. Matter of fact, I just found out that one my dearest friends has a contest of who she receives the first Christmas card from each year....I WON!!!

I think overall with moving and renovating and pushing ourselves to get at least the dining room ready since we were having family this year just put us over the edge. Each night, Warren and I both were just exhausted...Warren from working night after night to put up gorgeous molding in our home...and me from unpacking and unpacking and unpacking boxes, and trips back and forth to Millen with loads and loads of stuff. Oh yeah, did I mention we have a 1 year old too?!?

I'm happy that my family came and were together this day. It meant so much to us! We had a wonderful day, even though we were exhausted. Oh yeah, did I mention that Santa finally came and finished Bowdre's kitchen at 4AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bowdre was a little under the weather leading up to Christmas, so she ended up sleeping in until 11AM on Christmas day...which meant Mom and Dad got to sleep in too!

All in all it was chaos...all in all it was sometimes a disaster, but we made it! I didn't take many pictures, matter of fact, I don't have one single family photo during the entire holiday. FAIL! I have to say that I'm glad Bowdre was young enough that she probably won't remember a thing, but the look on her face when she woke up and saw her new kitchen was priceless and something even all the chaos couldn't cover! NEXT YEAR I'M GOING ALL OUT!

Of all of the chaos, it brought my family and I so much closer together because we didn't get caught up in some of the other things that the season brings. We just worked together to reach a goal. We were still working Christmas Day before everyone arrived, but by God's grace, we finished it all just in time for our family!
 Blessed is what I am and extremely thankful. Now that I have had time to reflect, I keep thinking how this past year was the first one without my Nana...which was the hardest part. I think this Christmas season was meant to be a little chaotic and slightly non traditional for made it easier not thinking about all of the things we did when Nana was here. I know she was laughing in Heaven at us and how crazy it all was.

Here are some pictures from Christmas...remember, I failed at pictures this year. Next year will be better.

Below are the pictures I have from Christmas Eve. We were all dressed up to go to Candlelight Service at Church before realizing that it started an hour prior. Epic fail. Next year, we will know.

Santa has arrived at the Clements' house!

This was a picture before Bowdre came into the den to see all of her presents that Santa brought. This was at about 11:00 am!
Here is when she first saw all of her presents...she was one happy little girl!

Shortly after lunch, my parents and my brother arrived with of course their presents. The favorite was definitely her new wagon! (Video to come in the next post)!

We definitely can't forgot our trampoline from Uncle Burt! She loves it!

Shortly after my parents arrived, everyone else came too! Leigh Anne and Robby stopped by with presents for Bowdre and goodies for us.

We had a low country boil and lots and lots of sweets for dinner! Brenda and Jim, my mom, dad and brother, and Aunt Joan and Uncle Preston were all there!

It was a great night spent with family, and although things were crazy, and Warren and I were exhausted, it was all worth it!

There's always next year!

Monday, February 8, 2016

~Bowdre is 17 months, December 23, 2015~

Dear Bowdre,

I'm a little behind on blogging...but things have been so busy these past few months, and you haven't stopped growing one bit! You love to talk, eat, sleep, run, play, jump, dance, read, and soo much more. We celebrated Thanksgiving and are about to go into Christmas in our new house.

I have to say one of the things that has amazed me the most is how well you have adapted to our crazy life in 2015. 3 houses, moving, long car rides, constant change, living with Gammy and's definitely been crazy, but you have been such a strong and happy girl, and I can't even begin to tell you how happy that has made Dad and I.

We are so thankful for you and love you so much!

Love, Mom and Dad!