My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, September 10, 2015

~Bowdre School-Week 2&3~

Bowdre's 2/3 week was interesting.

Well, Week 2 she got sick, so we had to deal with that, which was rough.

By Week 3 she was feeling better and actually took her first tumble. She fell on the concrete walking to the playground...I guess the sweet baby got too excited about going outside, got going to fast, and tripped. She got a pretty bad battle wound on and under her nose...

We also took our first Mommy/Daughter trip to Chick-fil-a after school for some ice cream...Bowdre loved it, and telling my the outfit she has on...she loves wearing paint too!
Here is one of the many pieces of her artwork that she did during these 2 weeks. I cherish each and every one, but I have to say, her little hand print just makes my heart jump!
So grateful for a school that spends time with my baby creating masterpieces that I will always cherish!

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