My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, September 10, 2015

~A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~

My family's life has been quite a busy one over the past year. A new baby, Warren's new job, selling our house, moving, looking for new houses, a new job for me in January, living with my parents, Bowdre starting school, etc...I could probably go on and on! I really think despite all of the crazy, we have managed well and despite everything going on in our lives, we have somehow managed to get into a routine and things just seem to work.

However, the one thing that I struggled with daily was Bowdre starting school. I was so comfortable with her being with my mom everyday, and I felt like some beast sending her off to school where there were rules and naps and this and that. It also made me feel more guilty that I wasn't at home with her. I cried everyday about this. I knew I didn't want to stay at home full-time, but I also didn't want her to be in school all day, every day...not just yet. I do want to add though that we absolutely LOVE First Methodist school. I know Bowdre needs the structure and they are teaching it well. She is doing fun arts and crafts, and is ACTUALLY taking a 1 1/2 hr. plus nap each day...which she very well needs. Most of all, she loves her friends.

I think deep down I just wanted the best of both worlds...I wanted my cake and ice cream too.

I just prayed for God to somehow ease the pain I was feeling and the struggle I was dealing with.

God answered my prayers very quickly, and for that I am so grateful. For those of you who don't know, I graduated with the Master's Degree in English from GSU over 2 years ago. I ended up having two years of French classes that I had to take to ultimately receive my diploma. Trust me, it was a major dapper in my spirits. But the Lord provided once again and put me in a place where I could finish up the classes this summer. I decided, with only two weeks before the fall semester began, to email the Department Chair of Writing at Georgia Southern to see if there happened to be a last-minute need for writing professors. By God's grace, there was. To make a very long but awesome story short, 2 weeks later I was starting as a writing professor in the Department of Writing and Linguistics at my Alma Mater teaching First Year Writing. My teaching schedule is Monday/Wednesday/Friday, so I have Tuesdays and Thursdays to spend as I choose, which means MORE TIME WITH BOWDRE!!!

I am so humbled by this experience, and I am loving my new job and career each and every day. I have found my professional passion, and I am so happy and grateful. I have finally achieved a goal I have worked so long to reach. My dream has become a reality.
Flowers from my wonderful husband!

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