My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, September 28, 2015

~I love lazy Sundays~

~Bowdre's 1st Tailgate & GSU Football Game~

Cassie and Brandon DeFeo, some of our dear friends, love them some GSU football, and especially tailgating. One of my favorite things to do is tailgate with them...they go all out! RV spot, golf-cart, great food, and of course the top-notch company. It's a one-of-a-kind experience. For GSU's first home game, we all got together to tailgate. Although the weather was rather crappy, we still had such a fun day.

Apparently, I didn't get the guys in any picture...oh well! Cassie's aunt and uncle, and some family friends of our, have box seats, so they offered seats for Bowdre and I if we stuck around for the game. Box seats? Who would pass that up?

We had a great time at the game! As we were looking out the window...look who we caught a glimpse of??
The Simpsons!! I so love them! It's safe to say that Bowdre had a wonderful one-of-a-kind first tailgate and football game experience!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

~Labor Day 2015~

Our family was so excited about our long Labor Day Weekend plans in Hilton Head. Since Monday is a holiday for both Warren and I, and the fact that I don't work on Tuesdays, we decided to make it a super long weekend trip. Friday after I finished up with classes, we got home, packed the car and the boat, and headed to the island!

We ALL were excited! It took a little longer to get there due to pulling the boat, but we didn't mind. we decided to just pick up pizza for dinner and keep it low-key, since we were both tired from work, and Bowdre was super super tired from school.

Saturday morning we got up and headed to our favorite breakfast spot...Skillets! We love the food there, and since breakfast is Bowdre's favorite meal, we decided to have a big one on Day One.

After breakfast, we headed to Fresh Market and Harris Teeter to get some groceries! We have found it is much easier to cook in for the most part with a one year-old. After a little grocery shopping, we decided to head back to the condo, get changed into our bathing suits, and head out for a few hours boating and heading to our little private beach we go too on the boat. It was pure bliss. We spent time just enjoying the sun, the great weather, building sand-castles, eating watermelon, and just enjoying time with just our little family.

Saturday night, we stayed in and grilled. Steaks and tuna fillets, along with shrimp cocktail as an appetizer. We love grilling fresh food...delicious!

On Sunday, we headed out for another day on the boat and beach. The weather wasn't as great as the day before, but we still had a great time! There was definitely more sandcastle and watermelon-eating fun!

My parents were heading into town just to take us out for dinner, so we headed back in to shower, get changed, and meet them! Here is all of us on the way to dinner. Family selfie! Bowdre is in the car you can't really see her unfortunately...but trust me, she's there! We ended up going to Red Fish. It was a great place!
After dinner, we headed back to the condo. Little Miss Bowdre was super tired!

On Monday, we decided to make it a pool day! We loaded up on our bikes and headed to the pool! We had the entire pool to ourselves all was so nice and relaxing!

Happy Memorial Day from the Clements!
Let's try again...
Better. Much better!

After the morning at the pool, we headed back to the condo to eat lunch! I guess the past few days of vacation had caught up to this little one. She passed out right in the middle of eating her lunch. Poor baby!

But...I didn't mind. I took it as an opportunity to get some good-quality snuggle time!

That night, we headed to a local Italian place for dinner. It was sooo good! Apparently, Bowdre loves Italian food just like her mom.
After dinner, we headed back to the condo and rode the bikes up to Harbourtown to listen to some music! We all had a great time...except of course, all the bugs!

Tuesday, we had to pack up and head home, but not before headed to lunch at our favorite spot...Skull Creek Boat House!

There was even a special visitor enjoying his lunch down at the dock...

We had the most amazing vacation, and it was definitely over too soon! I enjoy so much going to Hilton Head, but what makes it so special is family. I am so blessed that I have somewhere to go, but that I have a special family to enjoy it with.

I hope everyone had a happy and safe Labor Day weekend spent with family that they love!